Primary Sub-School News

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader

Hello everyone!


I would like to welcome you all back to Term 3!  Students have settled back into our daily routines well and enjoying being back in school.


We have had an exciting first week back with our incursion from Musica Viva.  Our students were very excited to participate in the different dance, drama and songs linked to the topic of visiting outer space!  



SSG’s have now begun and will be completed by the end of Week 4.  If you have not yet made an appointment or had a letter, please do inform your child's class team as we would love to celebrate your child's achievements this year!  There are many ways to communicate with your child's teacher. Parents can write a Seesaw message, email or write a message in the student diary.


Stay well this Winter

With the cooler weather upon us, we are starting to see an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, cough, and sore throat.  We continue to support students regarding good hygiene, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue and washing hands regularly with soap and water or using sanitiser.  If your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell, please inform the absence line.  Thank you for your continued support; let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.


We wish you a wonderful Term 3!


Best wishes


Room 1

Room 1 has had a wonderful start to Term 3 and settled well into our routines  This week, we have thoroughly enjoyed participating in Musica Viva and learning about different musical instruments!

In English, we have been working hard to learn letter sounds and how to write our names through different exciting activities, such as tracing them in foam or on large paper.  In maths we have been playing money matching games and completing money matching activities.

We also visited the library and shared familiar and new stories, talking about our favourite characters.

This week was Raphy’s and Trust’s birthday!  Room 1 especially loved celebrating their special occasion and enjoyed playing birthday games!