Principal's News Flash

Corinne Pupillo
Part 4 - The Durrung of the Yan-yan - Heart of the young man.
Told by Aunty Doreen Garvey- Wandin including Wioiwurrung words
Wirrirrap (magic man) appeared and said to the yan-yan (young man) , "Just like the fork in theyaluk (river) , as in life, we can choose which way to go. When we go the wrong way, and think only of ourselves, we become ngabun-bambunya (bold, arrogant ‘not afraid’) . Alternatively, we can take the right fork, be humble and share with the Wurundjeri and remember that every one of us is of value to the world."
Visit from Hon. Jason Clare & Maria Vamvakinou MP
Earlier this year, the Federal Government announced that Jacana School for Autism was the recipient of $884,295.00 School Upgrade Funds to replace perimeter fencing and to upgrade playgrounds 3-5. Yesterday, The Hon. Jason Clare and Member for Broadmeadows Maria Vanvakimou visited the school to speak to School Council President, Lisa Sette, Vice President, Chris Ernst and members of the Student Leadership Group.
Yaluk Building - Official Opening
I'm excited to announce that the Member from Broadmeadows, Kathleen Matthews-Ward MP will be attending the Official Opening of the new Yaluk Building on Monday 5 August. This is a time to celebrate the hard work and partnerships with architects, project managers, builders and the Department of Education personnel that supported us to help us bring our blank canvas to life.
Launch of the Jacana Mini Woolies
The Official Launch of our Jacana Mini Woolies is planned for Tuesday 13 August. Our student leaders will participate in the launch and are excited to be part of these special events.
Thank you to the Therapy Team for facilitating the project. Our Woolies money, shelving and cash registers have already arrived.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support
Jacana School for Autism was one of eight schools in the Hume Merri-bek Network that was recognised for their commitment to attain a high level of participation in the Self Assessment Survey and Tier 1, Schoolwide Systems and Classroom Systems.
Jacana School for Autism achieved the Bronze Award and have established the foundations of SWPBS Tier 1 and we are now working towards the Silver Award.
Schools achieving Silver demonstrate significant progress aligning other school activities with SWPBS
A warm welcome to Rebecca Simmons (Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer) and Julian Smith (Performing Arts) who will be commencing at JSA next week and Tahini Chaarani and Aish Sharma (teacher Aides) who commenced at the beginning of the term. We hope you enjoy being part of our community.
School Council News
Our next Fundraising Sub Committee Meeting will be held on Friday 2 August at 10.30am
Our next School Council meeting will be held on Thursday 15 August 5.30pm
Corinne Pupillo | Executive Officer (Principal) / |
Lisa Sette | Community Representative & President / |
VACANCY | Community Representative |
Paul Malavisi | Parent Representative |
Mark Mansfield | Parent Representative |
Chris Ernst | Parent Representative |
Michelle Owen | Parent Representative |
Andrew McDonough | Parent Representative |
Jay Murali | Parent Representative |
Stephanie Torchia | DE Representative |
Daniel Moloney | DE Representative |
School Council Sub-Committee Representatives
- Finance Sub Committee Representative - Mark Mansfield
- School Infrastructure Sub Committee Representative – Denise Clarke
- Fundraising Sub Committee Representative – Kristen Bellerini
Unwell students
If your child is presenting with cold and flu like symptoms we kindly ask families to keep your child at home if they are experiencing symptoms. In the event that your child tests positive on a RAT for COVID, we strongly recommend a 5 day period of recovery in this case.
Each morning when students are getting ready for school, I ask that you be mindful of how your child is presenting. If they/he/she is feeling/looking/acting unusual or is complaining of being unwell please take them to the doctor. Minimising the cross-infection will assist in reducing the risk of spreading bugs and viruses.
All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.
Make sure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts:
Student absence line: 0439 114 197
Reminder: Our newsletter is published each fortnight and will provide you with important information about the school and events that may be of interest to you. I encourage you to read the newsletter that will be sent home via your home email, on the school's Facebook and Instagram Page, Seesaw or on the school's website.
JSA also has a Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like and follow our pages.
Virtual School Tour
Our virtual school tour is now live on our school website. Please check it out and refer any members of the community to our page.