Year Three Team News

with Katja, Emil, Carmel & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

What a wonderful job was done by all our Willy Kids and families to celebrate Book Week last week.  

We look forward to the last day of term for another traditional Willy Primary event - Footy Day! Don’t forget to order your special Footy Day lunch from the canteen. (The regular canteen menu will not be available on this day).

We look forward, to 3D hosting the Whole School Assembly tomorrow. 


Coming up next week  – Sustainability walking tour

On Tuesday 5th September (Week 9), the Year 3 classes will be travelling by train to the city where they will participate in a walking tour commencing at Federation Square.

‘This tour enables students to explore a wide variety of central city places where sustainable practice is being implemented Melbourne’s residents, shops, planners, architects, council, social enterprises, horticulturalists and transport authorities. Students are provided with a list of simple personal steps to implement in their homes, school and community. Every student on our tours also carries an identity of a sustainability champion.’

We will be returning to school by train.

They will need to bring a packed snack and lunch, drink bottle and wear their school uniform and comfortable shoes. A small backpack can be brought along instead of their school bag.

*Parent helpers who are coming along please check with the class teacher to make sure you have completed all the requirements.

This event is on Compass.  If you have not paid and/or given consent, please do so at your earliest convenience.


Term 4 Zoo Snooze Dates

We are very excited to confirm the dates for the Zoo Snooze in Term 4. The students will be dropped off at the Melbourne Zoo in the evening and spend the following day there, returning to school by bus. More details will follow as we get closer to the date. Please put the following dates into your calendar for this very special event:

  • Monday 27th November – 3C
  • Tuesday 28th November – 3D
  • Wednesday 29h November – 3R


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Reading: Types of verbs (action, helping, linking) & verb tenses (past, present, future).

Writing: We are writing a narrative using a plot scaffold and following the writing process.

Numeracy: Time: Investigate the relationship between units of time. Telling time on an analogue clock and using the terms ‘past’ and ‘to’. Understanding what direction is clockwise and anti-clockwise. Telling the time to 5 minute intervals. 

Inquiry: What does a liveable city look like? Using researched information, students will design a sustainable house. They will be able to present their design on a detailed poster, a 3D model or Google slides/Keynote.

Respectful Relationships & Child wise: Gender Identity - Investigating gender roles in media.


Literacy:  15-20 minutes of reading daily. Record on table on homework sheet. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus and their personal words.

Numeracy: - 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Practice times tables.



Warm regards,  

The Grade 3 team - Katja Rosic (3R), Emil de Vries (3D), Mary Colangelo and Carmel Byrne (3C),