This week is National Science Week. The Theme is Innovations powering future industries. 


At Holy Family Science is not just for Science week. Our students engage in Science each week as part of their STEM (Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics) specialist program. We also have a whole school curriculum focus on Science as part of our Term 3 Inquiry focussing on Biological Science. Our Foundation students have been classifying animals, year one and two students investigating habitats, Year 3-4 system learning about ecosystems and our Year 5-6 students are learning about animal adaptations.

Remember to read the year level newsletters to learn more about what is happening in your children’s class this week. 


 It has been fantastic listening to the students share their learning in this space 


We have asked students if they could invent anything for the future what would it be?



ICAS assessments 


The ICAS assessment period has begun with writing and English being undertaken by students across the school. Next week we have Spelling and Science followed by Mathematics in the final week. We wish the best of luck to all students who are participating throughout the month.