Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:

Friday 25th August

Hannah K(Foundation) - For always sharing your knowledge and being part of class discussions. It is great to see you so eager to learn and sharing your ideas with the class respectfully. Well done Hannah!

Riley M (12A) -  For the fantastic effort you have been putting into all your learning. You are developing a great work ethic, and the improvement in your work is clearly evident. keep up the great work. Proud of YOU!!!

Stella B (12B) - For your 'can do' attitude in class. You are a quiet achiever but your work ethic and diligence in class does not go unnoticed. Well done!


Friday 1st September

Elliot R (Foundation) - For always showing our school value of respect. You are caring and helpful towards others, always showing respectful listening.  Well done Elliot you are a role model for your classmates.

Harmeet K (12A) -  For the fantastic work this week in math's. You have done incredible with your division and addition. Keep up your amazing work ethic. Proud of YOU!!!  

Oberon A (12B) - For your caring and helpful attitude last week in class when you helped a friend in maths. Was amazing to see your heart and wanting to see others suceed. Keep it up!

Cooper H (34A) - For your stella work in continuing to imporove your persuasive writing and using emotive language.

Lily (34B)- for her participation on Athletics Day. Lily entered every event and gave her greatest effort in every single one. Ford house were very lucky to have her in their team. Great Effort Lily. We are very proud of you!  

Danielle (34C) - for being a kind and friendly member of 3/4C. Danielle happily works with anyone she is paired with and treats others with respect. Great job, Danielle!

Reina M (56A)  -  Consistently helping classmates to access online information during our integrated studies. 

Akaljot S (56B)  - For deomonstrating ongoing relsilance and always putting in his personal best.