
School Holiday Activities for the family


Maroondah City Council have organised a series of family friendly events to help improve health and wellbeing!  Physical activity improves both body and brain health and helps build resilience.


Join them for one of their events during the September school holidays, have fun spending time together as a family and help build active families in Maroondah.


Active Kids - Outdoor games day

Date:   Wednesday 20 September

Time :  12pm to 3pm

More information:  Active Kids - Outdoor games day


Active Kids - Play gymnastics and swim day

Date:   Wednesday 27 September

Time:  12pm to 2pm

More information:  Active Kids - Play gymnastics and swim day


Active Kids - Yoga and mindfulness classes

Date:   Thursday 21 and Tuesday 26 September

Time:  Various times

More information: Active Kids - Yoga and mindfulness classes


Age requirements: everyone is welcome but events are aimed at pre-school and primary school aged children.

Strengthening Families Webinar

Marlborough's Wellbeing Hub

Remember to bookmark our online Wellbeing Hub page, where you will find a variety of resources to help support the wellbeing of yourself and your family, along with information about the current wellbeing programs on offer at our school.




Jenelle Seregin

HOPE Leader