Connect: Year 5

Welcome to the last Newsletter for Term 3. What a very busy term we have had. From Camp, Athletics, House Gymnastics, Skye Footy League, Science Afternoon, Dress up days, Book Week and MORE! We are sure all students are ready for a well deserved break. We wish you all a safe and restful holiday before we get stuck into the final term for the school year. Please remember that Term 4 is a hat term and students are required to wear a hat during recess and lunch time. 

Important Dates: 

  • Thursday 14th September:        Footy dress up and PTF Pie day
  • Friday 15th September:              Term 3 ends- 2.30pm finish
  • Monday 2nd October:                  Term 4 Begins- HATS REQUIRED
  • Wednesday 18th October:          Skye P.S Art Show 4-6pm
  • Wednesday 25th October:          Major Nathan Conroy visit

During Term 4 for Weeks 1-6, 5A will welcome Mrs Fairclough into the classroom Wednesday-Friday, while Mr Jackson goes on family leave. We wish him the very best on the safe arrival of his new little bundle of joy. We can't wait to see photos!

What's happening in our classrooms?


During Literacy sessions students learnt about explanation texts. They identified the structure in texts read and planned and created their own. Students used a rubric to self assess their own work. Students enjoyed using emphasis and expression to role play during Readers Theatre. They worked collaboratively during sessions to delegate roles, practice as a team and then perform to the grade. This week they finished up Term 3 Book Clubs. They summarised and discussed the text and their ideas with their group.  



This week we finished up our unit on Financial Planning. Students solved money worded problems using a variety of strategies and consolidated their understanding of adding and deducting GST to items. During Applied Maths, students investigated data. They explored data displays, conducted surveys using open and closed questions and began to create a data display to represent the data collected.



Our Term 3 Inquiry Unit on Earth and the Solar System came to a close. Students finalised their projects and shared their work with their peers. We were excited to see the different ways students displayed their learning and the interesting facts they investigated about the Solar System. Students presented their learning to small groups and answered questions from their peers.




We continued to discuss the Zones of Regulation and how we can be effective learners in class by using coping strategies to move to the green zone. 



Activities you can encourage your child/children to do on the holidays:

-Keep up with daily reading

-Practice Timetables or skip counting

-Read analogue clocks, bus/train timetables, rosters, etc

-Follow a recipe and do some cooking

Celebration of Learning:

Reader's Theatre in Action


Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you in Term 4


Year 5 Team