Connect: Year 3

September 2023

Friday 15th SeptemberFinal Day of Term Three - dismissal at 2:30pm
Monday 2nd OctoberFirst Day of Term Four. Don't forget your hats!
Wednesday 18th OctoberSkye Primary Art Show - keep an eye out for updates!

It feels a little surreal to be putting together a blurb to celebrate the end of Term Three. The students have worked hard this term and navigated having a number of special events. 

Check out what we have been learning about at school and briefly what we are going to be looking at the beginning of Term Four.



What's happening in our classrooms?

Literacy: For the final couple of weeks this term we began to explore procedural texts. We looked at their defining features such as the use of adverbs. After looking at several examples, the students had a go at writing their own. They then swapped with a peer, had a go at making sandwiches and ended up with some hilarious results... see the photos down below!

Next term we will begin the term with some work on our comprehension skills. We will refine our fluency as we read as this makes a big impact on our abilities to understand what we are reading!


Maths: The students have had a wonderful time delving into the concept of 'money'. We have covered a variety of areas, learning about how money is made, the history of money and where it is headed in the future! The students had the opportunity to set up 'shops' which allowed them to practise their exchanging, giving change and the social aspect when swapping goods for 'money'. Check out 3B below as they enjoyed setting up their shops!

Inquiry: We have been busy tying up loose ends in Inquiry, from learning about the different states of matter to turning our attention to our amazing upcoming Art show. The students have really taken this on with passion and we can't wait to show you what we have come up with!


Wellbeing: We have now completed our unit of 'Positive coping' which allowed us to learn a variety of strategies to help us deal with strong emotions. We finished our unit by practising to make appropriate apologies and learning about what effective apologies look like and sound like! Next term we will be beginning the unit 'Problem Solving'.

A celebration of learning!

Check out how our students faired following each others recipes and procedures as they made cheese and vegemite sandwiches. They found the process fun and it was a new experience for many.... combining vegemite and cheese! 


What's on for School Holidays?

Here is a few websites to help get some ideas coming these holidays!


We hope you all get a chance to relax and have some downtime over the holidays. Please keep up some reading during this time and we hope to see you all rested and ready to go for our final term of 2023!


Have a wonderful break ~ Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef