P & F News

Whole School Concert

We’d like to extend a big thankyou to parents who assisted us with our cafe for the whole school concert several weeks ago. Whether it was making soup, trips to supermarket, set up and pack up, your help is greatly appreciated. Thankyou to the wonderful maintenance staff for transporting the coffee machine for us. We made just over $300 which will go towards Wild Ed at the junior school at Wentworth Falls. We hope the patrons enjoyed the café and the show.

Father’s Day Stall

The annual Father’s Day stall at both junior schools were great successes yesterday. Students had the opportunity to select local and meaningful gifts for the fathers, grandfathers or other meaningful people in their lives. These events don’t occur without help, so to the parents who gave up their time to help set up, work on the stall, source the gifts, create flyers and pack up afterwards your help is gratefully acknowledged - thank you.


A special acknowledgment to Mike and Maya Rathge, school parents who so generously donated bags of coffee beans from their café Cortado at Lawson, to both stalls - thank you!


Also thankyou to Chrystine at Blue Mountains Grown for working with us so we offer her wonderful jams and chutneys for sale.

Junior School Disco - Save the Date!

The Wentworth Falls junior school disco will on Friday 15th September at Coote Hall. More details to come but mark the date on the calendar and get your dancing shoes ready!

Movie Night at The Edge

The movie night is fast approaching! Don’t forget to book your tickets to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.





Mrs Courtney Pascoe


Parents' & Friends' Association