Principal's Post

Dear Families,


Pride is defined as "a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated." 


Pride is what I was filled with last week, twice, while at our Concert Production and again on Friday morning at the Father's Day breakfast. 


The positive spirit and energy of our St James community has been commented on to me numerous times over the past few days. Tuesday and Wednesday night, among a lot of learning and growth for students, was an opportunity for the staff and students to give to the parents enjoyment and entertainment.


Friday morning was an opportunity for the mums in our community to provide a time for the dads (and other special friends) and their children to enjoy some fun. We are so fortunate to have so many giving people within our St James community. This was actually commented on to me on Friday morning by Fr Dispin.


I would like to acknowledge the many additional hours the staff, especially the concert committee, put into ensuring that the students were well taught, confident, well presented and well rehearsed. I would also like to acknowledge all of the parents who gave up their time to help out with Friday's events. Specific thanks for Lisa Noden and Penny Stewart for coordinating the Fathers Day Stall.


I'd also like to recognise the following parents who lead the organisation of the Father's Day Breakfast: Kylie Brooks-Verberne and the Year One Leaders Kylie McMahon, Sonnya Tirtawidjaja and Fina Triany.


School Production Video

For those who haven't ordered their Change for a Better World concert video yet through Stagefright Concert Productions and wish to do so, please click on the link - 

You can order a USB or Vimeo Digital Stream of the performance.

USB in a cover and case = $40. Vimeo Digital Stream, allowing you to view off multiple devices = $36.50. Orders will close Monday 16th October and delivery to be on Friday 20th October.


Father's Day Raffle

Thank you to Jason Barrie, Clemi Kohombanwickremageand Kylie Brooks for organising the raffle to raise funds for our P & F and provide a bit of excitement and anticipation.

 Winners - Agius Family, Weekes Family, Holloway Family, Knell Family & Creus Family


Footy Day Friday 15 September

This will be celebrated as we traditionally have done in the past on the final Friday of this term. Students may wear footy gear or footy colours. While the AFL Grand Final is nearby, all footy codes are encouraged. 


Indigenous Immersion Experience

As you know, two weeks ago I ventured north to Cairns with 19 other Catholic Primary Principals from our Outer Eastern Zone. From Cairns we travelled north past Cooktown and spent three nights at a homeland in Hope Vale and then two nights in another homeland in Wadjul Wadjul. 

We slept in tents we put up ourselves and were in duty groups to prepare, cook and clean up after meals, rather like our students on camp. There was often no mobile phone reception and we used drop toilets.

The traditional owners who hosted us lead us in welcome to country ceremonies, taught us some of the local language, took us on bush tours explaining food sources, medicinal properties and implement making from the local flora.

The connection to the land was very evident and we were also privileged to be taken to sacred sites. Us males in the group were painted in white and brown clay at one of these sacred sites after swimming in a beautiful rocky waterfall area.

We also had discussions regarding possible ramifications of the voice referendum vote to be held next month.

Learnings from this opportunity will be able to help influence future learnings here at St James.

Centre Road Street Parking Bays

A reminder that the Centre Road Parking Bays located at the front of St James have restricted parking times. We recently contacted the Whitehorse City Council in hope to have the displayed parking times reviewed and adjusted. Meanwhile, please ensure to keep to the displayed times to ensure the safety of all and avoid any fines that may be issued from Whitehorse City Council.


Learning Conversations

Learning Conferences booking information will be shared with parents via Operoo on Tuesday 5th September. Please ensure to book times for your child’s conference by Monday 11th September. There will be a set amount of booking times allocated to both online and face to face conferences.  

A reminder that parents are required to complete the Operoo form that was sent out last Friday to indicate if your child/ren will remain at school between 1pm and 3:20 pm. 



Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) will be conducted during 28 August – 15 September 2023. We are asking all families to take the 15 - 20 mins required to fill out the survey and provide us with feedback about many aspects to our St James school community. 

To encourage all families to complete the survey, we will be offering a free Friday treat (paid for by the school) on the final Friday of Term Three. 

The surveys are totally anonymous and while we can see the completion rate we cannot see individual results at all. Surveys were sent on Monday 28th August via MACSSIS.


Please complete the Operoo form that will be sent out on Friday 8th September to indicate to us that you have completed the survey on doing so. This will allow your child/ren to have a free Friday lamington treat on Friday 15th September.

Second-hand uniform

A call out to families with any second-hand uniform that you may wish to donate to our depleted stocks. If you have any school uniform that you no longer require, please feel free to drop them in to the school office.


Australian Girls Choir 

The Australian Girls Choir will be visiting our school in Term 4 on Wednesday October 4 to hold an assessment workshop at St James. Girls who participate will take part in a 30 minute group assessment facilitated by one of our tutors. Following the workshop, each girl will be sent an encouraging written report.  If your child would like to participate in the workshop, please complete the form that has been sent home with your daughter/s today or you can register your child through the website using the link below. 

Marathon Club

Please note that there will be no Marathon Club in the last two weeks of Term. Thank you to all of the volunteers who have assisted Katrina and Belinda this term, especially on those cold mornings.


Upcoming events & dates

  • Monday 28 August - MACSSIS surveys go live for two weeks
  • Monday 11th September - Year 4 Basketball Day
  • Wednesday 13 September - Learning Conferences - 1.30pm - 7.30pm (1pm early dismissal)
  • Friday 15 September - Footy Day - dress up and food day

Enjoy a great week ahead! 

