Religion and Parish News


This Friday, the 8th September, marks the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This date is acknowledged by the Catholic community around the world and was chosen as it is exactly nine months from the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.


Mary was born to parents Joachim and Anne, who experienced a very similar situation to that of the great Old Testament family, Abraham and Sarah – that they both deeply grieved for children of their own. Joachim and Anne turned to God as they felt their childlessness may have been a result of God’s displeasure with them. Imagine their surprise when they were blessed with not just any child, but the eventual Mother of God, as was revealed to Anne by an angel: “The Lord has heard your prayer, and you shall conceive, and shall bring forth, and your seed shall be spoken of in all the world.


St Augustine, a fourth-century bishop, described the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an event of cosmic and historic significance, and an appropriate prelude to the birth of Jesus Christ. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley,” he said.

Hail Mary, 

full of grace

The Lord is with thee

Blessed art thou among women

And blessed is the fruit

of thy womb, Jesus.


Holy Mary, 

Mother of God

Pray for us sinners now,

And at the hour of our death.



2023 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Dates:

First Reconciliation - 6pm, Tuesday 19th September, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church

Retreat Day - Tuesday 19th September, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 10, Term 3)


If any parents of candidates in the First Reconciliation Sacramental Program are available to operate the BBQ on the Retreat Day (approximately 11:30-1:00pm on Tuesday 19th September), please register your availability by emailing or leaving a message with the St Xavier’s Office. 

Parish News

Altar Server Roster for August:


Saturday 9th September (6pm): Katrina Martin 

Sunday 10th September (8:30am): Hannah Redfern


Saturday 16th September (6pm): Katie & Josh Spinks 

Sunday 17th September (8:30am): Hannah Redfern


To read about what’s happening in our parish, please visit this link to read the Parish Bulletin for the week starting Sunday 3rd September.