Principals Message

Dear parents and carers,
One of the greatest beliefs in the Diocese of Armidale is the value of systemness. If you visited any other primary school in the Diocese you would hear the same language in the classrooms, see the same Living Well Learning Well strategies in action and witness the same dedicated adults working for the best learning outcomes for our students. It has been said that principals should care as much about the other schools in our Diocese as we do our own.
The principals in the Armidale Diocese are a tight knit group and we support each other in many ways. It is in this spirit that sees Mr Frend working as Acting Principal at Sacred Heart Boggabri after their Principal had emergency surgery and is unable to work. The decision was not made lightly and we are fortunate that Mrs Leys has been able to pick up nearly all of Mal’s days. Mr Frend will return next week and then will provide further support at Sacred Heart in the last week of term. As this has been a week by week arrangement it is only now that we know the plan until the end of term.
We have extended our fabulous team at St Xavier’s with the appointment of Renee Young in the office. Renee replaces Jacqui Castles each Thursday and Friday. Renee has settled in well and we love having her on board.
We have also been able to access our bank of casual education assistants due to increased Covid funding. Jess Taylor and Louise Sloey have jumped on board to provide assistance to allow teachers to increase their specific targeting of students' needs. It is this strategic planning with individuals and small groups that has led to increased student performance. Our fantastic Naplan results are just one indication that this model of practice is best for our children.
I hope you can imagine the work and effort that goes into producing a creative performance. Leanne Herden and Heather Sloan have brought together a performance that will bring great joy to the Seussical the Musical audience next week. The individual performances by our senior students will astound you. I have only seen a few practices and one of the things that makes me smile is the participation of students who are well out of their comfort zone. This is school spirit in action, as uncomfortable as it may seem!
I hope to see many of you at either of our performances next week.
Kind regards,
Jen Honner