Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Evelyn Anil for trying really hard to work in a team and sharing her work with others. 

Sartaj Singh for improved listening and following directions.

Miss Turk:

James Buniel for always being so kind and polite to everyone. 

Well done, James!

Joella Bisimwafor always completing her work to a high standard. 

Thank you for being such a wonderful role model in our classroom, Joelle!

Mr Morrison:

Grace Simaika for working really hard with her work and completing a 

great book about her. 

Ace Miller for being a great helper around the class. 

Keep up the awesome work. 

Mrs Weber:

Allay Guljok for always showing great enthusiasm and enjoyment when training for athletics.   Well done Allay!

Ben Zurawski for taking great pride in his writing. 

His letter formation and content is terrific.  Fantastic work Ben!

Miss Finn:

Ryan Zurawski for creating an imaginative and detailed story for Book Week. 

Fantastic effort!

Aubrey Orr for his effort in improving his reading skills. 

Keep it up!

Mr Maskell:

Maisie Moodie for writing an original and imaginative story for 

our Book Week Author’s Day. 

Zakiah Tauai for being such a positive and friendly student in our classroom. 

Mr Andronaco:

Penny Corbo for doing a fantastic job in her fractured fairytale. 

Dilana Nguyen for being a welcoming student in our class while doing a great job in her Literacy activities. 

Miss Sidebottom:

Carter Van Houts for his awesome work in the classroom.

Anaya Advani for her fantastic work in mathematics.

Middle Years

Mr O'Hara:

Chol Tiny for creating an amazing Giraffe relating to Bev and Kev for Book Week.

Great work Chol!

Johnathan Liu for working hard to improve his understanding of Time. 

Keep it up Johnathan!

Mr Secchi:

Paduol Padual for the effort you have put into planning, drafting and publishing your narrative this term, Keep it up!   Well done, Paduol!

Grace Stevens for continuing to work hard and improve with her 

time knowledge during maths lessons. 

Keep up the great work!   Well done, Grace!

Mr Renato:

Neve Hunter for continuing to improve her reading and writing by always engaging in the learning tasks. Keep it up Cat in the Hat!

Korobee for using the correct language when referring to the time 

using analogue clocks.  Well-done Korobee!  

Mrs Dainton:

Phillip for his brilliant story for his Flat Stanley author study. His work is creative and well thought out.  Well Done Phillip!

Freya for her Writing. It is creative, well thought out  punctuation and capital letters.

Well Done Freya !

Mr Howley:

Mikayla Laity for her persistence with her writing and her concentration with her knitting. Good work Mikayla.

Johanna for her well researched, and presentation of her St. Anne investigation as part of our Saints project.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

          Seth Grimes for trying his best within his learning, always taking on new challenges in learning groups and displaying a big improvement in his resilience.

        Maria Johnson for displaying kindness, a high work ethic and always being respectful of classroom norms.

Mr Lindon:

Macie Gooiker for her great literacy work on verbs, adjectives and nouns. 

Well Done Macie!

Jasmine Chol for always coming to school with a smile on her face, and a positive energy. Well done Jasmine!

Mr Iorianni:

Shelby Kappererhas demonstrated some excellent leadership.

 She has used her time effectively and remained engaged in her learning 

to complete some excellent work. 

Well done on producing a fantastic newspaper for book week. 

Ruby Hoarehas done a great job with her math's. 

She has been able to apply a variety of measurement skills to design and create a clock. Well done Ruby.

Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Jasmin Jo has worked extremely hard at publishing her Book Week newspaper to an exceptional standard.  Well done Jasmin!

Jacob Hunteris always looking at creative and interesting ways to approach his work. Jacob has applied this to his clock project.  Well done Jacob!