Kids Who Care

'Kids who Care’
We would like to acknowledge the following Year 5 and Year 6 students who have gone above and beyond with their school citizenship, volunteering to be ‘Kids who Care’.
They are positive play leaders in the playground and we thank them for their wonderful work, on roster.
Zayne, Jonathan, Lucas, Noah B & T, Elena, Danika, Tyler, Travis, Dua Kin, Akia, Liam, Marwan, Randy, Moses, Ruby, Kayla, Jaxon.
In Term 4 we will be offering the “Kids who Care’ training modules for interested Year 4 students, in preparation for joining the team in 2024. An expression of interest form will be handed out to interested Year 4s.
An information pack will also be sent home with those interested students.
Mrs Sue Campbell
Program Coordinator