Chaplain's Corner 2023

Hi MPS Family
Breakfast Club
Open every Thursday and Friday of term (except assembly mornings where we do before School Milo). We are seeing between 20 to 30 students dropping in for toast, fruit, cereal and a chat. One of my favourite parts of my role is this 15 to 20 minutes before class time.
Father's Day and Significant Role Model Breakfast
Friday 1 September 2023 from 8.00am in the undercover area. We look forward to seeing students with their special guest for egg & bacon rolls, fruit cups, muffins, tea and coffee. Thank you to the Marangaroo Primary P&C for funds for this event. Thank you to the volunteers - Staff, Community and Parent and Carers who I know will make this event a great time.
Community Needs
There is a growing need in our most vulnerable communities for food and assistance. There are many services available to support. As a Chaplain I have access to services that are not always advertised please reach out if you or any one you know in our community is in need of assistance. Some helpful links
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Thursday and Friday