Principal's Message
Ms Alessandra Morrone
Principal's Message
Ms Alessandra Morrone
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is amazing how time goes by quickly as we near the end of week six of this term. We still have some very big events planned, which include our Pre-primary to Year 4 swimming lessons commencing next week, Father’s Day stall and breakfast, athletics carnival and the interschool jumps and throws.
Emu’s Assembly – Camp Happiness
Well done to the Emu’s Year 5/6 students on their assembly performance in week three. Mr Telford, Mrs Higgins, and Mrs Barry’s efforts certainly paid off. A key message shared was the importance of sharing something about yourself and how it can make such a big difference in making new friends and strengthening trust. I was very impressed with how the students remembered their lines and helped each other to follow the script.
We look forward to being entertained by the Kookaburras this Friday. It could be rather pink.
One Big Voice - Choir
Last Friday, we had students represent Marangaroo PS at the One Big Voice event. From all reports, the students not only looked the part they also enjoyed the event. Special mention to Mr Tomlinson for his efforts and dedication in ensuring the students performed at their best. Congratulations!
School Improvement
Over the past five weeks, staff have been asked to consider improvements to our student engagement and behaviour policy. Next Tuesday after school, staff will set targets and actions to support a consistent and whole-school approach. Communication regarding changes will be shared through ClassDojo.
Special community invitation – Have a Chat with the Admin team! As part of our focus on school improvement, I would like to invite parents and carers to meet the admin team and come along for a chat about where you would like our school direction to head. This informal chat focuses on big and small ideas that will assist us in our planning.
Tea and coffee will be provided.
Week 10 Wednesday, 20 September 2023
9 am In the library
A link to register your interest to attend will be sent out through ClassDojo.
School Board Meeting
On Wednesday, 30 August (3.30 pm – 4.30 pm), I look forward to meeting the school board for our first meeting this term.
Final thoughts – “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” - Lao Tzu
Have a great rest of the week!
Ms Alessandra Morrone