Mini School Updates

Junior School
Firstly, I would like to welcome Lauren Gibson and Lyndal McKenzie to the Junior School Team as Student Support Officer's. Lauren is with us full time and Lyndal is working Monday, Wednesday and Friday, sharing the role with Riley Baldi who continues with us on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Both Lauren and Lyndal are great additions to the team as they already have strong relationships with both staff and students through their previous positions within the College. We are thrilled to have them both join the team and look forward to working with them.
Planning for Junior School Camp is in full swing, and we are really looking forward to spending some time with students outside of our normal school routine. The camp is now open to Year 7 & Year 8 students and is being held at the Alexandra Adventure Resort from the 16th – 18th of October. There are still some places available so if you are interested, please contact the Junior School Office.
In what is an exciting and nervous time for students, Sports Academy Trials for Year 8 and our 2024 Year 7 cohort are currently being held. We wish all students trying out the best of luck and encourage them to remember to have some fun along the way.
We continue to work with students and families to ensure that we have our students at school as often as possible. Being away from school means students miss out on valuable academic and social learning opportunities. We understand that at times students are unwell and unable to attend school. If this is the case, please either enter an attendance note on Compass or call the office on 5127 9240.
As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we are still providing a large number of pens and exercise books to students. I would appreciate it if families could check in with students over the holidays to ensure they have the resources they need for Term 4.
Personally, I would like to wish all students and their families an enjoyable break! I look forward to hearing about all the fun things that students did over the holidays in Term 4.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School
Welcome to the end of Term 3 Middle School Update.
The Year 9 and 10 students have completed their course selections for the 2024 school year. I would like to congratulate the students for the diligence they have shown during this process. While it is difficult for all students to know what their future pathways may be, the effort they have demonstrated thus far will give them the best opportunity going forward, moving into Year 10 or the Senior School.
As stated in the last newsletter, as a College we have been focusing on three basic objectives for students; to arrive on time to class, to have all required equipment, and to be respectful to others. These objectives have been very successful, and staff have found that they have assisted the students' learning and achieving higher outcomes.
On the 6th of September six of our Year 10 students (Alaynna Abuan, Satyne Coppock, Zara Fussell, Olivia Gallus, Ayla Grbic and Willow Moy) attended an 'Inspiring Women’s' dinner. The students enjoyed a 2-course meal and heard from a variety of leading women in the workforce and their journeys from school, to how they got to where they are now. A couple of speakers were ex Lowanna students (Annie Lietzau and Kathleen Kent).
Our students really enjoyed talking to women in the fields that they themselves are interested in pursuing.
We understand during the previous weeks the weather has been temperamental, and many students and staff have been unwell. Please ensure that you contact the school if your student is away either by entering their absence on Compass yourself, or by contacting the Middle School Office on 5127 9246. If you require assistance with your Compass login, please contact the school. Hopefully in Term 4 the weather will improve, along with students’ health and mindsets.
With the warmer weather upon us next term, I urge all parents to support the school by encouraging your child to be in the correct uniform as per the Lowanna College Uniform Policy.
Don’t forget that Parent/Student Teacher Interviews/Conferences will be held this week, on Thursday the 14th of September from 4pm to 7pm and Friday the 15th of September from 9am to 1.30pm. You can book your child’s conference either on Compass yourself or contact the Middle School Office and we will assist you with your booking.
I would like to wish all students, families and staff a safe and restful holiday break.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader
Senior School
Somehow we find ourselves at the mid-way mark of September and at the end of another term. For both Year 11 and Year 12 students, this means they are fully in the midst of finalising assessment items for their units as they head towards the end of another semester. Another round of GPAs have been released and there are Parent Teacher Interviews taking place this week. We encourage all students and their parents to engage with these opportunities for feedback and use any information shared to reflect not just on the final grades/scores but rather on each child’s academic progress and growth. A student’s intelligence is changeable, and focusing on growth has a very positive impact on student learning. Hard work and a willingness to persist when facing academic challenges are the keys to success for all students, and emphasising learning progress rather than grades/scores is a simple - but powerful - way to support student learning.
Speaking of our Year 12's, we are on the final stretch of their 13 years of schooling, and we encourage all of them to make the most of their final weeks at school. We are looking forward to offering our Year 12's a variety of ways to create some fun, unforgettable and lasting memories of their time here with a range of events and activities. Last week, students held a Pyjama Day to raise funds for end of year activities.
Next term we will have congratulatory assemblies, a Celebration Day and farewell lunch and Graduation Evening.
It has been pleasing to see a high number of students enrolling and participating in revision lectures during the September holidays. There are some free revision lectures running at Federation University, Churchill in the first week of holidays and we encourage all students to make the most of this valuable resource.
Practice exams are also running in the first week of the holidays (see schedule below). All Year 12 students studying a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject are required to attend these. Where there are clashes with either revision lectures or other commitments, students are encouraged to attend in an alternative time slot and develop their skills in sitting exams under exam conditions. These exams are a valuable chance to get some feedback and understanding of areas that may need revision. All students studying a Unit 3 and 4 subject have received a copy of their official exam schedule. Please contact the College if you require another copy of this.
Our VCE-VM students are working hard towards finalising their studies, and it was wonderful to see the fruition of a significant period of planning and preparation and hard work at the Fete last Thursday afternoon. The great vibes and success of this event is a credit to the team of staff and students who have worked diligently to bring an idea to life. After some reflections on the event, we look forward to seeing how this continues to grow and develop in subsequent years.
A significant number of our Year 11 students were busy this week finalising their dance steps, dresses, accessories and bow ties for the Deb Ball at Gumbuya World. This was a great opportunity for students to socialise outside of the school setting and is always one of our most anticipated events. The Debutante Ball is always a wonderful evening for students and their families and provides many ‘feel-good' moments for all in attendance.
Our Year 11 students are encouraged to engage with the leadership opportunities that are being presented for next year. The first stage in our 2024 College Captain elections closed on Thursday. This will be followed up next term by an interview, a presentation to the whole College community at an Assembly in Week 2, and then voting by peers and teachers. This is an amazing opportunity to develop as a person and a leader in a students’ final year of school and leaving a lasting legacy of their time here.
Finally, I wish all our students and families a safe and enjoyable holiday. I encourage our students to study hard and prepare as well as they can, but also find some time to take a break and enjoy the sunshine-y weather that has finally made an appearance with the arrival of spring!
Key Dates
Monday 9 October
Year 11 2024 College Captain Speeches
Monday 9 October – Friday 13 October
Year 11 2024 College Captain Interviews
Tuesday 24 October
Year 12 English exam
Tuesday 14 November
Last Day of Year 12 (Unit 3 and 4) Exams
Friday 24 November
Graduation Evening
Wednesday 13 December
College Awards Evening
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader