College Updates

Uniform Exchange
Book Week
Lowanna College celebrated Book Week in a range of fun and colourful ways.
The week began with the librarians revealing the College library, transformed into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. With a chocolate river cascading down the middle of the library, every surface was decorated with edible treats and images from the Roald Dahl classic. The library was a hub of activity all week as students enjoyed competitions - like a Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt and guessing the number of lollies – and activities, including Roald Dahl themed crosswords, colouring and puzzles, and helping to develop a wall of ‘Our Favourite Books’.
Each day, staff and students were able to test their knowledge about books in an online quiz with daily prizes for Junior, Middle and Senior students.
This was our second year of celebrating Book Week and judging by the smiling faces of our students and staff and the crowds in our library, it was great fun enjoyed by all. We look forward to celebrating Book Week again next year and we encourage more students to get involved in the Character Dress-Up Day and other activities on offer. But, most of all we hope that staff and students will pick up more books and enjoy reading every day. In the words of Dr Seuss, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Snow Camp - Falls Creek
Lowanna College students embarked on an exciting adventure to Falls Creek for our Snow Camp, taking place from the 13th of August to the 18th of August. It might sound like a twist of fate, but the only day it snowed during our entire stay was the day we departed. Nevertheless, our trip was nothing short of fantastic.
Upon arrival, the serene, semi snow-covered landscape of Falls Creek greeted us, and the pristine beauty was simply awe-inspiring. Stepping off the bus, the air was thin and crisp. Over the ensuing days, we immersed ourselves in an array of snow-related activities. From conquering the slopes through skiing and snowboarding to crafting snowmen and partaking in epic snowball battles, we fully embraced the snowy wonderland.
Beyond the adrenaline-pumping activities, our time at the snow camp fostered personal growth. We honed our skiing and snowboarding skills, and many of us overcame our anxiety on challenging runs like Highway and Drover’s Dream. In the evenings, we gathered around in the games room, socialising and making friends with other schools.
As we reluctantly boarded the bus for our return journey to Newborough, there was an overwhelming sense of contentment and fulfillment among us. We had not only been fortunate enough to witness Falls Creek transform into a magical snowy paradise, but we had also learned the profound joy that comes with embracing the challenges of winter sports and outdoor adventures. Our Snow Camp experience was a memory etched deeply into our hearts, reminding us of the beauty of the natural world and the enduring value of friendship.
Written by Aaron Abuan (Year 11) with Lucy Ger-Pau (Year 11)
A Night of Music and Art
On Wednesday the 23rd of August we hosted 'A Night of Music and Art', which celebrated the interconnectedness of the Arts at our College. Congratulations and thank you to all students and staff who participated in the event, it was a huge success and a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talent that we have at the College.
On the night, our VCE Art students designed their exhibition spaces for their body of work, selecting and choosing how to display their art to best communicate their themes and ideas. We also had our Music students present their music selections, and our Cafe Culture students served refreshments at intermission. Well done to all involved and thank you to those who attended the event.
Year 12 Outdoor Education Camp
In Week 7 the Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies group went to Mt Baw Baw for their final overnight experience. While they didn't get to participate in downhill skiing due to poor snow conditions this season, they did go on a bushwalk up to the summit, taking in the views. Students had a chat with Ski Patrol about their role on the mountain and also had an opportunity to meet the Alpine Dingoes.
They sat their Unit 4 SAC while emersed in the experience.
Congratulations to Year 11 students Steph and Lachlan on their success at the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in August. Not only did Steph and Lachlan, as delegates for Brazil, get their sponsored resolution about restructuring the United Nations Security Council successfully passed, they also won the Best Dressed Delegation award! Following MUNA, the two students were invited to share their experience with members of Moe Rotary Club at their last meeting and they have been invited to a tour and afternoon tea at Parliament House in Melbourne. Lowanna College is proud of Steph and Lachlan’s achievements and would like to thank the Rotary Club of Moe for their ongoing sponsorship and support.
First VM Fete a Success
The positive feel around the College was contagious on Thursday the 7th of September, when our Vocational Major students ran their first Fete.
Students were involved in all aspects of organising and running the event in order to develop their personal skills through a hands-on learning approach. Their overall goal was to create an event to develop community connectedness- which certainly was achieved. In early Term 2 our students agreed to explore the idea and discussed how their role would contribute to the overall success of the event. The lead up involved students engaging with local businesses to enlist their support for the event. From booking food trucks and market stalls, advertising and inviting community groups to the event, the students took the lead. Students also developed their communication, IT, organisational, money handling and leadership skills along the way.
Our technology students researched and created metal and timber-based products to build, make and sell at the event. The food technology class baked themed biscuits utilising 3D printers to build cookie cutters and stamps, along with making home cooked desserts and dog treats. The general classes focused on advertising, games/activities, market stalls, food trucks, community agencies, the raffle, music and slushies.
Although many staff were involved in all phases of the project, from meetings to supervision on the night, a special thanks must go to the PDS Projects class teachers for their dedication in ensuring the event was a success. Thank-you to Tom Axford, Ashley Scott, Melissa Logan and Ian Venables for their hard work. Congratulations to all VM students involved in this event. We’re sure the annual Fete will continue to be a success for our College.
Cows Create Careers at Lowanna College
Agricultural Studies Students are rostered to feed the College calves twice per day, at 8:30am and 2:30pm, including weekends. This is an opportunity for the students to learn about the Dairy Industry, and also to demonstrate their level of responsibility and ethical care of calves.
Students got to vote on the names for the two dairy calves that were donated by local farmer: Stuart Griffin. The calves were named Ben-n-Jerry and Whipped Cream and were at Lowanna from the 14th of August to the 14th of September.
Art Update
Year 7 Art
Students in Year 7 Art have been exploring the art form of drawing this Term. Using a range of materials and techniques, students worked to improve their drawing skills to produce a finished Still-Life artwork.
Year 9 Art
Year 9 Painting and Drawing students have finished learning about different drawing techniques and have completed a Common Assessment Task (CAT) in their chosen technique. Some students have created dry point etchings from this drawing as an extension. Students have now moved on to the next unit and have learnt about illuminated manuscripts in Medieval art and are practicing drawing skills and techniques in coloured pencil.
Year 10 Art
Year 10 Ceramics students are finishing up their functional ceramic mugs, or tea pots, and are starting to make anthropomorphic animal sculptures. Students are learning skills on how to combine different hand-building techniques and how to execute their plan using the design process.
Lowanna's School Choir
We are delighted to introduce the newest star on the Lowanna College stage: our school choir! With 22 talented members and counting, this group has already wowed us with two fantastic performances. The joy, camaraderie, and confidence they're building are truly inspiring. As Term 4 approaches, we extend a heartfelt invitation to all students who want to be a part of this musical adventure. Whether your teen is a seasoned singer or just eager to try something new, all are welcome! Joining the group is a great way to make friends, have fun, and spread some cheer... especially as we gear up for Christmas carol season! Rehearsals are held on Thursday's - see the music staff for more information.
Opal Hameeteman, Kailee Daniel, Ellie Goyne, Oricle Ling, Abbie Jessup, Shylah Chak, Nevaeh Gordon, Charlie Ikin, Ruby Pagram, Una Turnbull, Madeline Howlett, Kayla Xerri, Nate Taylor.
Helping Your Child Become a Better Writer
The below article compliments the work teachers are doing in the classroom with The Writing Revolution. We encourage parents to read this.
Science Update
It's been a busy month in Science!
Our Year 7's have been learning about Classification.
Our Year 8's have been learning about how chemical reactions occur (below).
Our Year 9's have been learning about different types of chemical reactions (below), and our Year 10's have been studying genetics and how characteristics are inherited.
Year 9 Careers Opportunity
If you are interested in this opportunity (below attachment), please visit Ms. Kirsty Speirs in the Science Office or Kirsty Mitchell in the Careers Office.
PE Class - Race Car Simulator
Recently, our Year 11 VCE PE students had the opportunity to use our new Race Car Simulator in the automotive classroom. After studying biomechanics this term, the students were given the opportunity to apply what they had learnt to different cars and setups. This included experiencing the difference between cold and warm tires and brakes, driving in both wet and dry conditions, front wheel, rear wheel, and AWD, along with different downforces. They found it initially challenging and staying on the track proved to be more difficult than they first thought. Not only did they improve, but students learnt some valuable skills which they will be able to apply on the road.
Sport and Recreation (VET)
Some of our Sport and Recreation VET students, once again, represented themselves and our College to the highest standard. On Wednesday the 13th of September, they assisted in running the Primary Schools District Athletics Carnival at the Joe Carmody Athletics Track. Under warm conditions they worked tirelessly, conducting events and interacting with the primary school students.