Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 7 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 25 August:

FNOlivia M For thinking creatively and working hard when writing her fairy tale. You're a superstar Liv!
FHElsie BFor working hard to achieve your writing goal and write a wonderful fairy tale. Amazing Elsie! 
FBJacob SJacob you are amazing! I love seeing how hard you try and the kindness you show others.
FWLexie GFor making strong choices and working hard during writing tasks. Well done!
1PMia RFor always being considerate of others, lending a helping hand and making our class smile! 
1PSammi TFor being confident, using her voice and asking great questions. Keep up the great work Sammi! 
1JCharlotte B    For always being a thoughtful, kind and caring member of the class!
1SEliza S For the incredible detail and wonderful word choices in her Koala Lewis narrative. Amazing writing Eliza!
1SEvie BFor 'wowing' Ms Strong with her beautiful, expressive reading! Keep it up Evie!
1WLucas KFor working hard to complete his Australian animal story. Keep up the good work Lucas!
2GMia MFor always using your beautiful manners in class. Well done!
2GThomas BFor working diligently on your information report poster. Well done!
2MAmara SFor your enthusiasm for learning and always striving to do your best.
2MAniv DFor showing great focus this week and contributing to class discussions.
2NLenni MFor being super helpful and considerate at all times.
2TMillie GFor working hard during writing sessions and for contributing interesting ideas to our Inquiry topic.
3BHarry JFor his active listening and thoughtful contributions during our The Wind and the Willows reading sessions this week.
3BWilliam RFor his accurate punctuation when using dialogue in his creative narrative writing this week. Awesome work Will!
3HSion OFor his effort and participation during our spelling lessons. Keep it up!
3JMaya CFor asking lots of questions to improve her understanding of what she is learning. 
3JOlivia BFor enhancing our class discussions about The Wind in the Willows with her insightful comments. 
3RLewis HFor an improved level of participation this week!
4BRyan CFor being a diligent and hardworking student on all set tasks.
4DGrace RFor your high quality of work that you produce with everything you do!
4DZara LFor being a kind friend to all!
4PArcher BFor great work when making inferences during reading this week & for working hard with reading tasks at home.
4SEliza OFor your in-depth. thoughtful responses and your extremely high quality written work.
5GRose BFor being a kind, caring student who looks out for others and always striving to do your very best.
5HLucas AFor consistently pursuing his personal best during all set tasks. Well done! 
5OElise PFor showing wonderful communication skills and encouragement during our Leadership day!
5RJesse MFor showing great engagement and participation at the Leadership incursion.
5SSaana SFor her positivity and encouragement towards team mates during our 'Aspire Leadership' Incursion.
6BSadie BFor her outstanding contribution during literacy sessions and exceptional behaviour in the classroom and playground.
6CAlex OFor giving each and every activity on camp his very best. Well done Alex!
6MConor CFor always coming into 6M with a big smile and having a positive attitude. Well done Conor! 
6RCamille AFor the pride she takes in her work, her perceptive observations during literacy and willingness to help her peers!


You're a Star Awards for Week 8 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 1 September:

FNVann IFor improving his focus and using beautiful handwriting during our writing sessions. Super work Vann!
FHThomas MFor always having a go with his writing and using beautiful neat handwriting. You're a champion Thomas!
FBLiana PFor all your hard work and always being a kind friend. You are a star!
FWHarper CFor always being kind to others and doing an awesome job in her reading. Well done Harper!
1PEvie BFor writing interesting and engaging starts to her narratives, using well structured sentences. Awesome work Evie! 
1JMaddi CFor being so positive, energetic and enthusiastic during concert practice that it is infectious to others!
1SBodhi S For his superstar spelling of Red Flag words! Keep working hard Bodhi!!
1WCharlotte K      For her dedication to complete her learning tasks. Well done Charlotte!
2GAtlas DFor settling back into the school routine so well. Well done!
2GElla MFor your enthusiastic attitude towards our concert rehearsal. Well done!
2MSam McCFor his super effort with learning and practising both the singing and dancing for our concert song.
2MKai WFor his super effort with learning and practising both the singing and dancing for our concert song.
2NErin FFor her positive approach to all classroom activities and for being a wonderful role model to her class mates. 
2TEllie WFor working hard on her information poster this week. Great effort Ellie!
3BHugo SFor being persistent during a tricky writing task. Great effort Hugo!
3HMily PFor cooperating well with her partner to build their balloon powered car. Well done Mily!
3HTaylor JFor her excellent work in responding to the Wind in the Willows an understanding point of view. Well done!
3JOlivia SFor her well-structured, entertaining narrative about Nora and the moon. 
3JOliver MFor writing an engaging story beginning that will certainly 'hook' his readers.
3RZara PFor being a hardworking and attentive learner who strives to complete her best work on every occasion.
4BMaeve DFor creativeness shown during our writing sessions.
4DEli HFor showing resilience when faced with challenges.
4DOlivia TFor your focus, dedication and attitude towards your school work. Keep up these habits!
4PJett SFor your solid effort to work on all tasks and do your best in class. Well done Jett.
4PTilly WFor your amazing dedication and effort in Maths, especially your great work with fractions. Very proud of you Tilly.
4SIndie TFor your dedicated approach to writing and building a structured narrative piece. Super proud of you Indie.
5GRuby BFor the positive way she approaches all class tasks and her ability to act on feedback to make improvements to your work.
5HAva GFor showing focus and determination during word study and writing tasks. Well done! 
5OElsie KFor your ability to continuously support others around you and be an incredibly helpful and encouraging class member.
5RTammy LFor always writing so beautifully, and taking pride in the presentation of her work!
5SJake DFor such an entertaining and clever end of Term reflection.
6BDevan GFor consistently contributing during literacy sessions and for his polite, respectful manner.
6CRo DFor working hard in our Literacy sessions to respond deeply to our class text. Well done Ro! 
6MHunter CFor his effort and dedication during our novel study of 'The Magician's Nephew'. Well done Hunter! 
6RNic QFor making insightful contributions to class discussions during our novel study. Well done Nic!