Year 6 Social Justice Report

This term the social justice leaders have been very busy, taking initiative with things such as the Mother's Day stall, Mother's Day Breakfast, our whole school artwork, Reconciliation Week slides and Reconciliation Week assembly. Let's go over some of these things in detail.


On the 3rd of May we had the Mother's Day stall where the Social Justice Leaders were taking turns to sell the things at the stall to students. We made a schedule for when we each had to go to the stall. 


On the 10th of May we had the Mother's Day Breakfast. We had to get there at around 7:30AM to help set up the tables and chairs. We also made another schedule which told us when to go give out flowers to the mothers at the gate, switching pairs every 15 minutes. While, about 2-3 of us at a time were at the gate, the rest of us were carrying plates of food to hand out to whoever wanted some.

In Week 6 we had to prepare for Reconciliation Week and made Reconciliation Week slides to present to each of our designated grades, which explained what Reconciliation Week was and what it meant to us, and in Week 7 we presented them. On the Reconciliation slides we also explained our whole school artwork and how each class had to draw something. After everyone had finished their drawings we collected them and cut them out to make a big collage on each letter, the whole word being Reconciliation. At the end of Week 7 we had a Reconciliation Week assembly. We were each assigned a part of the script, which we read at the assembly.

In conclusion, we have had a very busy and enjoyable term, with each of us having opportunities to work together, make memories, leave a legacy and be leaders.


Written by: Georgie and Violette