A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,

Winter jackets and jumpers

Winter is upon us. It seems odd that at the start of the term we were still having warm days and now it has cooled down significantly. With the very cold starts to the day and some sunny lunch times we are reminded of the importance of labelling all our school jackets, jumpers and cardigans. The lost property is often overflowing with discarded jumpers and jackets. Please check that names are clearly visible on labels. It is also a good idea to check that names are on hats, drink bottles and lunch boxes. These things are sometimes left behind and are so much easier to reunite with the owners if they are clearly labelled.

Tell Them From Me Survey

Each year we survey our parents, teachers and students about how we are going as a school community. This survey gives us feedback and ideas to inform change and to identify areas where we are doing really well. Responding to last year's survey we have made some changes to procedures around reporting and communicating with parents.

Please make sure you have your say and respond to the survey. We have 200 possible reponses, so get in early to have your say. A huge thank-you to the 45 parents have already responded. If we get over 150 responses the students will get a special reward. Use this link to access the survey. http://tellthemfromme.com/stmartha24



St Martha's has a Facebook page where we often share news about school events. If you have not visited before, please take time to check out our posts about all the exciting things happening at St Martha's. You can see what the children have been doing on excursions and in classrooms as well as celebrating achievements. There is a link on our school web site or use this link.

Cyber Safety

It is essential that we teach our students how to be safe and how to use technology in a way that is responsible, safe and respectful. Later this term we will be visited by Senior Constable Gabriella Di Marino, Youth and Crime Prevention Officer - Auburn Police Area Command. Senior Constable Di Marino will present the "ThinkUKnow" program to stuednts from Years 3 to 6. Do you know what your child is doing online? I urge parents to take an interest and monitor students internet use. Check your child's chat and make sure they know how to keep themselves safe and respectful in their interactions with others. Lots of good advice is available online from the e-safety commissioner.

New Babies

We would like to welcome all the new babies in the St Martha's community this year. If your family has been blessed with a new arrival this year and you would like to share a photo and details with the school community, we would love to share that in an upcoming newsletter. Please email the office with any photos and details of the month the bub was born and names of siblings. New babies are such a blessing!


Peace and Best Wishes

Carolyn Parsell