This Week's Notes

Open Morning
Thank you to all staff members who contributed to the success of our Open Morning event, held on Tuesday, 14th May. Your careful planning and preparation were crucial in making it a memorable morning. We appreciate your hard work showcasing our school to prospective students and their families.
Seeing such a strong turnout from our community was heartening, and we are grateful for the support shown. The enthusiasm and commitment displayed by our current students and staff during the event were inspiring. Their passion for our school and its programs was evident as they engaged in mini-lessons with prospective F-1, 2-3 and 5-6 students.
In my conversations to our parents and grand parents during the morning, I was able to discuss our strategies to promote our school in a wider and nearby communities for building our student numbers in the future.
School Photos
We had our school photos on Thursday, 16th May. One could not have asked for more perfect weather and location for school photo day. It made me realise how lucky we are at Cavendish surrounded by so many beautiful drops of natural landscape, flora and fauna to enjoy every day.
Seeing all our students in their full winter uniforms in our school colours and logos made us more proud on the day. I would like to also thank again all our amazing staff making the school photo morning go very smoothly for all students. It was also really amazing to see all the photos done in a flash which usually takes a few days at bigger schools. We will send home the photos to families when they arrive.
Book Fair
Our Book Fair this year attracted even more interest and many enthusiastic readers at our school. It is again so reassuring to see so many of our students showing excitement and hunger for reading in a time where so many other students in big cities are subjected to spending hours on social media gadgets.
We have received funding this term for Sporting Schools. The booking process has changed and it has taken a while to get a sport organised. As all the children loved Taekwondo last year with Muhktar, we have arranged this again. The F-2 students will be attending sessions on Monday 20th and Monday 27th May and the Years 3-6 students will be having their sessions on Monday 17th and Monday 24th June. Jon Herrmann will be transporting the children into these sessions. The sessions will be from 1:45 to 2:45pm. The event has been put on the school app for parents approval/consent.
Baimbridge College Year 5 visit
Samantha Adams from Baimbridge College will be coming to school next Friday 24th May to speak to our Year 5 students about transition into secondary school.
Frau Barber retiring
Frau Barber has advised us that she will be finishing her time at Cavendish Primary School at the end of this term. Her last day with us will be Tuesday 18th June. We have this week advertised the position on Recruitment online. We will advise of her replacement for Term 3 and 4, once the advertising process has been completed.
Well done Maddie
Maddie went on holidays to Thailand recently and her Mum said that she still kept up her reading everyday. That is great dedication Maddie, well done.
Yashar Duyal
Acting Principal