Junior School Council

Street Library
In November our Junior School Council brainstormed the idea of the school having a street library. With help from the various organisations, this idea became reality.
On Wednesday 22 May, with the help of Tina Samardzija (Mulgrave Ward Councilor) we unveiled our 'Take a Book, Leave a Book' street library.
Our library was a combined effort from Scoresby Bunnings (Karen & Gracie) and the Monash Men's Shed to make the library. Denise Owen (one of our lovely Education Support staff) for the painting of the library and our students for the design of the library.
A big thank you to Vicki Robertson (grandmother to Hudson & Pippa R) for making the celebratory cake.
If you would like to donate books to the library please leave them at the office.
Our street library is located at the Homestead Drive gate and is officially open for reading.