School News

Earlier this term, The Jells Park Gems competed in the Australian School Aerobics Competition Heats. The ambitious, fit and committed Grade 5 students have been working incredibly hard all year to learn and perform their new aerobics routine. These students have been so dedicated to this event. They have given up most of their lunch times and even some recesses to train and rehearse.
The students were up very early on Sunday 28 April ready to meet their teachers at 7.45am for their performance. Once warmed up they took to the stage and were fantastic.
We would like to congratulate the team on getting into the State Finals this June. They continue to dedicate their lunchtimes to training and we wish them all the very best for the State Finals.
Congratulations Jells Park Gems!
Basketball Court
As part of our facility upgrade works, our 20 year old basketball court received a face lift.
Apart from resurfacing the court and the surrounding grounds, we eliminated several safety hazards to the students and created a bigger space surrounding the court.
We are now working towards upgrading the basketball rings, as well as a surprise upgrade in the gym.
Childrens Crossing Supervisor
From Monday 3 June to Friday 12 July, Fatma our Petronella Ave crossing guard will be absent.
During this time Fatma will be going overseas to perform Hajj.
Hajj is the Islamic pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Every adult Muslin is required to make this trip at least once in their life time.
During her time there, Fatma will also be travelling to Turkiye and Cyrpus - her birth place.