From the classroom

Mother’s Day Art

Thanks to Mrs McPhee for ensuring every student had some beautiful art to gift to their mum or mother figure on Mother’s Day! Scroll through the photos to see what was created by our students.

Education Week 

What a week. We started with our cross age reading session where students from different age groups read with each other. On Monday evening we held our Prep Information Night, lots of conversation and delicious slice was on offer.

On Thursday we held our school tours with our fantastic school captains. Our 5/6 students hosted the P-2 students in a technology extravaganza exploring Sphero’s, Spike Lego Education, Minecraft Education, Beebots, Car Bots, Drone, Cubes and Hour of Code.


National Simultaneous Storytime

This week P-2 students have enjoyed the National Simultaneous Storytime. On Wednesday students participated in Literacy and Art activities and enjoyed the NSS broadcast. This year’s book Bowerbird Blues, by Aura Parker, is about searching for what is missing and it not always being something material.


Reading Stars

At assembly last week we were very excited to announce the grade 3/4s are joining our Reading Stars Incentive Program.  We cannot stress enough how important it is for children to read regularly at home. Not only is it a relaxing activity to do with your child, but you are also helping to improve children’s ability to decode, comprehend, and understand the written word.




Grade 5 & 6 news


Grade 5/6 have had a busy start to the year. The students have been working hard in class and have also had some opportunities to represent the school.


In writing, the children have been working on a narrative about an animal’s journey. This has been based on the class novel, Warhorse. The students have come up with some entertaining and creative stories. They have worked through the writing cycle and are getting ready to publish their completed pieces. These pieces will then be shared among the Grade 5/6 students to read.


During our reading sessions, students have loved having the opportunity to read a book as part of a Book Club. We have 5 different groups on the go and students are reading sections of the book and gathering once a week to discuss what they have read. 


Our maths sessions have been focussed around measuring. Students have learned about mass, capacity, length and volume. We have been exploring the best ways to measure different objects and how they can convert between units of measurement.


A highlight for the term was our session with Graham Willis as part of our history unit. He taught us about the history of Rochester and the changes that have happened to our town. We were then taken for a walk around the town and looked at different places and found out how they have changed. The kids absolutely loved this session and it was incredible to find out so much about how Rochy used to be.


We have also managed to fit in a STEM session with the Prep – 2 students, played in a soccer tournament, completed our Cross Country and we are getting ready to compete in the Netball Tournament next Friday.


Our Thursday sports coaching sessions with the Secondary College students have also been very popular.


We are only halfway through the term, but already we have managed to fit so much in!




History Tour of Rochester with Graham Willis