Year 5 News

As the end of the term creeps closer, the Year 5s are kicking things into high gear and showing no signs of slowing down. Here's a peek into what they've been up to: 


Drama Class Today




This term has been a whirlwind of creativity. The students dove headfirst into figurative language, experimenting with metaphors, similes, and personification. Their writing has transformed into vivid landscapes of imagination, with every story brimming with colourful expressions and imaginative twists. 



Fractions have been the name of the game lately. The Year 5s have mastered adding and subtracting fractions with like, related, and unrelated denominators. They’ve also tackled fractions of a whole, gearing up to solve real-world problems like splitting into groups or figuring out the time. It's all about making math practical and fun! 



Our latest Unit of Inquiry, ‘How the world works,"’ is wrapping up with an exciting showcase. The students have been deeply engaged in researching natural disasters, via the lenses of Edward De Bono’s 6 Hats Thinking System.  


Art Class Today

Project Goals

- Develop Understanding: Students are learning about the causes, effects, and responses to natural disasters. 


- Encourage Creativity: Students can express their learning through various mediums, enhancing creativity. 


- Enhance Communication Skills: Through discussions at home with parents and guardians and (eventually) presenting their topics in class - verbal and presentation skills will have been enhanced. 


Also, at home, the students are crafting models of their solutions, which they'll bring back to school by Monday for their presentations. The showcase promises to be a full-day event, with all year levels, families, and friends invited to witness the incredible work our Year 5s have put together. 


With the finish line in sight, keep up the stellar effort, Year 5s! You're ending the term on a high note, and we can't wait to see all your hard work pay off.