Year 4 News

A Collection of Student Narratives

Who We Are Unit of Inquiry  

One of my highlights was that my Mum, Dr. Thompson came to Year 4. Our unit of inquiry is all about the human body and we got inside information about what being an E.D. doctor is about. Then she showed us a PowerPoint about the body. On the PowerPoint were x-rays of bones and we had to guess which bones they were. One of the x-rays was of a skull fracture. We were all really interested and learnt so much. 

By Betty 4B



Who We Are  

Special guest – Vanessa Thompson 

On Wednesday we had a special guest come to year 4. Her name was Vanessa Thompson, and she works in the Emergency Department at Sandringham Hospital.  


First, she told us about working in the Emergency Department. She told us that it is a hard but fun job and she had to do a lot of work to get into the Emergency Department. The first couple of months she had no control of when she worked so she would sometimes have to work at midnight but now she can be a bit more flexible with when she works.  


Next, she showed us x-rays of broken bones. That was really interesting. Last but not least we got to play a relay game. She brought in a sling, bandages, a syringe, a mask and gloves. We had a group of people and one person ran up and put on a glove. The next person put on a mask then two people ran and did a pretend syringe. Then it was a sling, then putting on bandage like we had a broken arm.  We all had so much fun! 



Division X-Country 

On Thursday I had Division Cross Country at Karkarook Park and there were about 85 girls running. The race started at 10am and the girls were first. The top ten will make it through to Regionals.  


Before the race Charlotte K. and I started warming up together because we were in the same race. For warming up, we ran to a post and back, stretched and talked about the race. As we lined up to start I was super nervous and so was Charlotte. "Ready, set GO!"  


The race started and a girl in front fell over because everyone was rushing to get to the front. She wasn’t the only one that fell over at the start, about five other girls did too! I needed to get ahead and there was a hill at the start so that was really tiring.  


Near the end of the race I got a bad stitch and didn’t think I could run any further but I kept running and running and running for about another 500 metres. When I saw the finish line I was so happy that I was so close to finishing.  


After the race I was given a certificate saying I came 34th and I was happy with that because it was out of 85 girls.  Charlotte came 23rd and from the boys’ race Flynn came 6th (so he made it to the next round) and Spencer came 27th.  


By Abby 4A

 Who We Are 

This term we are learning how the body works. We are researching a body system. I chose the circulatory system which means the heart and blood vessels. We are learning how to use Microsoft SWAY and putting our information here to present to the class. 


We also created a Haiku poem. Here is mine about the heart: 


By Sophie 4A 


The Human Body Haiku

This term we have been learning about the human body. And to go with the unit of inquiry we have created a Haiku about our system. A Haiku is a syllable poem. You have to start with 5 syllables, then 7 syllables and end with 5 syllables. When you are writing your Haiku you are trying to avoid the unnecessary words like ‘the’, and ‘very’ so you can fit in more words. 


 By Piper


 Haiku poems 

Last week my class made HAIKU Poems.  

You may be like, "What in the world is a Haiku?"  


Well, a Haiku is a poem. The first line is five syllables, then the second line is seven syllables, and the last line is five again.  


Our Haikus are about systems in the body (I did the Nervous system). If you did one, what system would you do? 


When you were finished you could decorate it in any colour.  


I love doing Haikus, they’re the best it's so fun to make poems. 


By Emilia 4A



Miss Bonnie 


I am Isabelle and I am in 4a with Mrs Badley and Bonnie. 

Bonnie is Mrs Badley’s dog who has recently become a therapy dog after completing her training. 

This is Bonnie: 




Bonnie has a special coat that she wears when she is working, and she takes it off when she's just playing. Bonnie is a Bernedoodle which makes her a medium size not too big not too small. 


Bonnie’s job is to help children feel comfortable and safe or cheer us up and help us learn. 


Here are a few things 4A like about Bonnie: 

 1. Sometimes at daily five (read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, handwriting and spelling) we can read a story to Bonnie. Sometimes she listens and sometimes she seems more interested in playing hide and seek in the pillows. Depends. 


2. Bonnie is allowed to be let off her leash and aimlessly scamper around the classroom. It’s very cute especially when she jumps over people when we are sitting on the carpet. 


3. Every now and then we sometimes try to teach her a new trick, last week we taught her to roll over for a treat! 


Overall, Bonnie is a really well-behaved dog, just a bit cheeky sometimes! 

By Isabelle 4A 


 P.E. (Basketball) 

On Thursday last week we played basketball in Phys. Ed. It was really fun.  We played Golden Child to warm up then we played Mat Ball. This is how you play: 


There are two teams: the running team and the shooting team. The running team must run around the whole basketball court without the shooting team calling stop. They also have a ‘golden child’. The ‘golden child’ can collect all the people when running. 


The shooting team must make a shot in from the free throw line. If they make it in, they call stop and the runner has to stop, but when the ‘golden child’ is running they have to make it or everyone is home so that team wins. 



Mat Ball is when you have two teams, and you have to pass the ball to everyone then throw it to the person on the mat to get a point. I lost 3-1 but it was still really fun! 



By Hunter 4A. 






Last Tuesday in the morning we had an art lesson.  Art is my favourite subject in school and out of school. 


In this particular lesson we were focusing on drawing the eyes of the human body.  


I have practised drawing portraits of myself, so I'm used to drawing eyes. It was a really fun lesson because we got to use all sorts of colours. 


I am very proud of my work, I thought it looked great. 


After, we got to add details using pastel paint and it was so fun.  

 By Max 4A