Year 3 News

Indigenous Art Symbols 

This week students have been investigating indigenous art symbols. They used their knowledge of indigenous tools and artefacts and used bird-eye view thinking to imagine the features of landscapes such as mountains and rivers interpret various symbols represented in an indigenous art piece. 


The students were risk-takers and open-minded as they shared their ideas with each other. Some symbols were easy to decode but many were challenging. 


Following this, the students designed their own indigenous sports jumpers to showcase their understanding of the symbols. 

Indigenous Australian Artefacts 

In Year 3 our current unit of inquiry is: 

Where we are in place and time. 


We recently got a photo of an Indigenous Australian artefact. We predicted what the artefact was and what it was used for? 


There were seven different categories, and they were: 

  • Toys 
  • Hunting 
  • Fishing 
  • Ceremonial 
  • Containers 
  • Body decorations and 
  • Tools 

Then we chose our colour circle and wrote our indigenous artefact information on it. Now you’re probably wondering how we got all our information… well, we were given a piece of paper with all the information on it. We had to read the factual information and check 

 if we were right. 


After that we put our completed circle under a category on the wall next to the photo. 

Now they are up for display on our classroom wall. 


By Matthew K and Finn A (3A


Indigenous Australian Artefacts 

Last week we received pictures and photos of Aboriginal artefacts. We then had to guess which category our picture belonged to, body decoration, ceremonial, container, toys, tools or if it was used for fishing or hunting.  


My picture was like a crocodile skull decorated with lots of feathers, nuts and shells. I guessed it was used for ceremonial occasions which happened to be correct. The nuts and shells that hung from the skull would rattle to make music while they danced. 

By Grace R and Lucy (3A) 


Year 3 Research Project 

Famous Indigenous Australian - Patty Mills 

We had to research a famous Indigenous Australian to find out more about them. We had 4 or 5 lessons to do some research and work on a PowerPoint. We then presented our PowerPoint to the class. 


I did my research project on Patty Mills. He is a famous Aboriginal basketballer, and he is an excellent player! 


It was so fun! I think it was my favourite thing we’ve done so far this year. 

By Xavier 3A 


Reflections On Testing

Over the last week or so the students have completed numerous tasks to assess their learning in Semester One. 


We are so proud of the way they take these assessments in their stride and just get on with them, without a fuss. The students can even see the humorous side of this part of the term, as seen in their reflections. 



Students Reflections On Testing


Testing Time 

Last week we had Testing Time - Westwood. ACER, Essential Assessment, the fun stuff! Even TORCH! We were so lucky! (I'm being sarcastic). 


Anyway TORCH (more like torture!) was all about reading. There were two options: Lizards Love Eggs and Grasshoppers. We read the articles and then we filled in the blanks. It was so amazing (not)! 


Then, in second place in the fun ladder comes Essential Assessment it was so entertaining (but bad!). In 3rd place came ACER.  In ACER we were lucky enough to do three tests (so unlucky). We did: science, reading and maths. In fourth place comes Westwood (the only fun one). There were 70 words! Testing is so much fun! 


By Emma 3C 


ACER and Westwood are the Best!   

 I love ACER because it's so much fun!!! It's so good because it makes me way smarter. It's my favourite thing to do by far. I also love Westwood.  


I love spelling and I’m really good at it. This is all a joke except that I hate being quiet and I also don't like that on ACER you have to do a practice test before the real test! 


By Charlie 3C 


Testing Time 

Last week we were doing so many Acer tests. We absolutely loved it (we hated it). It was so wonderful, too good to imagine (it was so horrible and too bad to be true). We also had a Wonderful Westwood, Excellent Essential Assessment and Amazing Acers. I'm so disappointed we can't do it again this week!!!! 


By Amaya 3C 


Testing Time 

Last week we had so much testing on Acer and Essential Assessments. I love doing testing, but most people don't. I don't know why most people don't like testing, maybe it's because we have to sit down without talking for 45 minutes! I like doing that stuff, so I think testing week is good. 


By Marcus 3C