Year 1 News

Pizza Day 

Two weeks ago the Year One’s had a wonderful time participating in our annual Pizza Making Day. They all looked terrific in their aprons and chef hats and we were very impressed with their pizza making skills! 

The students demonstrated their reading and mathematical ability as they volunteered to read aloud the ingredients, utensils and method involved to create the pizza dough while also discussing the measurements of each ingredient. We also looked at the different fractions that could be made when slicing our pizzas. 


We had a great day cooking with the highlight being able to enjoy eating our delicious pizzas for lunch! 


Taking Action  

With Pizza Making Day, Battle of the Burgers, growing seeds and grass, and learning all about food as well as the many stages of production before reaching us, we have now completed our latest unit of inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves.’


Equipped with all their new learning from the unit, the students took action by sharing their food knowledge at assembly with the whole school which everyone thoroughly enjoyed listening to.  

Furthermore, we had Alice 1A, Ben 1B and Mia 1C visits to each classroom around the school to educate students on their predictions and findings from our six-week experiment of ‘Battle of the Burgers’.  


National Simultaneous Storytime- Bowerbird Blues 

Last Wednesday the Year One’s participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. This year the book chosen was ‘Bowerbird Blues’ written by Aura Parker. 

The students were captivated by listening to this moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird’s search sends him soaring across the sea, sky and city. Afterwards the students enjoyed using their creative skills to draw the beautiful bower bird.  



Over the last few weeks, we have been learning all about measurement. We have been discussing when and where we use measurement and making strong connections to the use of measurement in their everyday lives.  

The students have spent time inside and outside the classroom experimenting with the length, capacity and mass of a range of different common household containers and objects, applying their new knowledge to estimate, calculate and compare each. 


This has allowed for many engaging, hands-on activities and opportunities to work with their peers to problem solve.