Prep News

Unit of Inquiry

A Visit from Miss Evins

The Preps have really been enjoying their Unit of Inquiry - How We Express Ourselves. We started the unit by considering how our senses help us to explore the world around us. We brainstormed ideas about our sight, taste, hearing, touch and sense of smell. 


We loved getting together as a whole year level to read Mrs Wishy-Washy. Miss Evins came to visit and taught us about sign language and together we read and signed the story. 


The Preps learnt the sign for cow, pig, duck, into, house, away, listening, looking, sit up and sit down. We also learnt some actions to ‘Cover Me In Sunshine’ which we will perform at Grandparent’s Day next week. 


Five Senses Field Walk 

The children were all engrossed when we went on our 'senses walk,' we were so lucky that it is autumn as the lovely autumn leaves gave us pretty colours to look at, leaves to crunch as we walked over them, and we even felt them in our hands. 

We also smelt some lovely eucalyptus leaves and lavender, touched the rough asphalt and the cold, smooth metal on the playground, saw some birds flying in the sky, listened to the sounds of the traffic whizzing along Reserve Road and to other students chattering, and even tasted water from the drinking fountains. 


It is wonderful to see the children experience their surroundings through a different lens as they focus on what their senses tell them! 

Science with Mrs. Jones 

The Preps were very lucky to visit the Science Room with Mrs Jones again last week.  She organised some fun activity stations about the 5 Senses.  The children had to identify objects while blindfolded using their sense of touch, smell some mystery scents and even use their taste buds to identify some foods.   


Prep B

Prep C

Inquiry - Popcorn Making

To tie in with our Unit of Inquiry the preps participated in a popcorn experiment. The preps considered how the popcorn sounded as it popped, what it smelt like, felt like and of course, tasted like! The students then completed a poster on their findings. It was a lot of fun! 


Prep B



Prep C