Developing Communicators at BNPS 

At Beaumaris North Primary School, we foster holistic development in our students, not only academically but also personally and socially. 


One key aspect of this development is the cultivation of effective communication skills through the Learner Profile attribute of being a ‘Communicator’. 


Communication encompasses listening, speaking, reading and writing. Encouraging effective communication starts with active listening. We track our students to listen attentively to others, fostering empathy and understanding.


Through classroom discussions, group activities and collaborative projects, students learn to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and respectfully. 



Written Communication 

Whether it is composing stories, reports, writing in their ‘Writer’s notebook’ and many other writing opportunities, students are encouraged to express themselves coherently and creatively.  Digital Literacy 

This plays an increasingly vital role in today’s interconnected world. Our curriculum integrates technology in meaningful ways, teaching our students how to navigate digital platforms responsibly and communicate effectively in virtual spaces. 

 Non-Verbal Communication 

This includes body language and facial expressions. Through drama, role-playing, the arts, music, physical activity and any other creative activities. Students learn to convey messages using various forms of expression. 


How Can Parents Help To Develop Students Who Are Communicators At Home?  


As partners in your child’s education, we encourage you to support your child’s development as communicators at home. Engage in meaningful conversations, read together, and provide opportunities for them to express themselves creatively. 


Encourage your child to stay in touch with relatives and friends who may live interstate or in other countries. Your child can communicate through letter writing, emails or on the phone.  


When working on mathematical tasks at home, encourage your child to explain their answer orally to you. 


Ask your child thought provoking questions and encourage then to discuss these with you.  


Work with you child to be a good listener. Being a good listener is an important part of being a good communicator. Provide opportunities for them to listen and then retell instructions, stories, events etc.  


Cherry, Lucas and Zoe & Helena from Year 6 spent some time interviewing students, Julie and William in Prep and Logan and Masie in Year 1 to learn more about being Communicators. 




  What Is A Communicator? 



Julie - You’re talking about something. 


WilliamTalking about a topic (grandparents) to a friend. 


Maisie - Discussing about the school and Principal. 


Logan - Discussing about a future topic like a game of tag. 


 How Can You Show Being A Communicator?  




Julie - Talking about feelings, earth, planets and to friends. 


William - Using nice words and in a polite tone.  


Maisie - I talk to my friends, family, teachers and coffee person. 


Logan - By talking to my mates. 


Have You Ever Been A Communicator?  

Julie - I am a communicator every day because I like talking with my friends and family. 


William - I was a communicator every day at school and at my house. 


Maisie - I was a communicator when I spoke at assembly about cover me in sunshine. 


Logan - I was a communicator when I said my speech at assembly.