Student Interview -Harry & Oli

Student Interview with Harry & Ollie Year 5C


What do you love about school?

Harry - The teachers definitely, also the laptops.



Oli - Math, tests and my friends.

Were you nervous about starting Year 6?

Harry - No not really :)


Oli - No because many of my friends were in my class.


Who is your hero?

Harry - My hero is Raphael Nadal as he was a great tennis player.


Oli - My parents because they have cared for me my whole life.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Harry - When I grow up, I want to be a tennis player.


Oli - An Anaesthetist (money and I want to be some sort of doctor.


What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Harry - My friends winning their basketball match.


Oli - Harvey my friend and my dog.

If you had 2 wishes, what would you wish for?                                         

Harry - I'm not sure but one or two of my wishes would be to stop homelessness and to stop climate change.


Oli - To be very smart, cure World hunger and to get into VHAP.