
Year 6 Mythological Masks 



At the start of this year the year 6 cohort commenced work on a major art project of mythological masks out of cardboard.  


We started by sketching out a few inspirational ideas, coming up with our unique designs. After that we started to draw and cut out shapes of cardboard and glued it together until they slowly turned into a masterpiece. After all our glue had dried our constructions were ready for paint, we chose a colour out of green or blue for the base, and then painted more detail once the base was dry. The next layer was collage of our printmaking paper to add texture, pattern, and balance. Finally, the best bit was adding the finishing touches and pops of colour with POSCA pens!  


We all really enjoyed this project it was amazing working through the different processes of turning a bit of cardboard to a wonderful creation. 


Year 6 will be presenting and celebrating our finished product at an upcoming assembly. 


Kind Regards, 


Your 2024 Art Captains - Ebony, Harriet, Charlie, and Finn. 


Art Show

Early Term 1 we were invited to be a part of an exciting opportunity for our students to showcase their artistic talent and be part of a Year 4-8 art show at Beaumaris Secondary College.  


A community belief in fostering creativity and providing our students with platforms to express themselves. Beaumaris Secondary College have organised an art show for the end of term 2, where students from different local primary schools and their Year 7 and 8 students will come together to celebrate their remarkable artwork created during term 1 and 2.  


Our Year 4 to 6 have been busy over the past two Terms, and we have selected a range of exemplary level work that showcases our visual art curriculum and creative talents of our Beaumaris North students. 


The selected students will receive a personal invite next week to share with their family and friends, however we encourage all our BNPS community to come to the exhibition evening in support of this vibrant celebration of creativity. 

Thank you for your continued support. 


Arla Anderson & Nicole La Gerche 

BNPS Art Team