Primary Sub School News

Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies

Week 8


Hi everyone!  I hope you are having a great week so far.  Here are a few items for your consideration.



Thanks to everyone who has submitted an excursion application; it is lovely to hear about the wonderful visits that our students engage with.  Please can I ask that you refer carefully to the checklist of actions, including completing the School Activity Locator, that any purchase orders have been raised as well as considerations relating to staffing (first aiders/drivers) and transportation.  Please do liaise with parents and invite them to support their children if needed; please also confirm that they have a WWCC.


If you require support with any items mentioned above, please do let me know and I can help!


PSS Assemblies

Please can you send your star of the week to Kay asap.  Thanks to everyone who has done this already!


Next up… Week 9: Room 7


Classroom Team Meetings

If you are unable to hold your CTM, please record the reason on the corresponding week's notes and upload as usual to your room file.



PLC & Professional Learning

As SSG's have now been completed, we return to our weekly PLC meeting in the Meeting and Assessment Room.



Thank you for sending through your sample reports.  If you have any questions relating to the feedback I gave, please let me know.  Week's 8 and 9 are an opportunity for you to liaise with your reporting teacher buddy to provide feedback on draft reports received thus far.  This might relate to sentence structure, spelling, correct pronouns or formatting.  Please note that teachers will be allocated report writing time during our Curriculum Day on Friday, 7th June.



I hope you all have a great week.  Please let me know if I can support you in any way.
