Occupational Health & Safety

~to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees~

First Aid Poster (Term 2, 2024)


OH& S Meetings

The OH&S Committee meets twice per term. The composition includes the elected HSR and Deputy HSR, representatives from each sub-school, a rep from Admin/Therapy, the Principal, Assistant Principals and the OH&S Manager Nominee.  


Week 9- Wednesday 12th June

Please email Michelle or Mary, any agenda items that you may have.

Meeting minutes can be found in Sharepoint and on our Noticeboard.


OH&S Designated Workgroup Health and Safety Representatives

OH&S Manager Nominee: Mary Boutros

Elected Health and Safety Representative: Frances Hansen

Elected Deputy Health and Safety Representative: Amanda Hollway

Return to Work Co-ordinator: Michelle McMaster

Executive Assistant: Fiona Micelotta



NOTE: TIME SAVER: If a student has multiple incidents in one day, you can record them all in a single XUNO report by selecting each relevant time slot, rather than entering each incident separately.


ALL Incidents should be completed via XUNO.

  • If there is a minor / classroom lead incident, classroom staff will complete a XUNO Report
  • If there is an incident where a staff member calls the Emergency Line for a major incident classroom staff will complete a XUNO report.
  • A member of leadership supporting the incident can also contribute to the report.
  • A leadership team member will follow up with staff members/students after this incident. This will include an offer for staff to undertake a debrief with a member of the leadership team and other support, for example, a review of the Behaviour Support Plan (BSP), educational program review and environmental factors.  
  • The XUNO Incident Report and EduSafePLUS Report can be completed as part of the debriefing process.


We have OHS Committee vacancies!

The elected members of the OHS committee can accrue Time in Lieu for the meetings and will be financially acquitted for the TIL.


Representation elected by workgroup:

  • 2 x Primary Sub School – Michelle Davies + (vacancy)
  • 2 x Middle Sub School - Rajen Rai + (vacancy)
  • 2 x Secondary Sub School - Irene Gacovski + Navneet Kaur
  • 1 x Therapy Team - Lydia Lee 
  • 1 x Administration Team Michelle McMaster
  • 2 x Wellbeing Team Stephanie Torchia and Nina Cerantonio (Isabella Deluca to alternate)
  • 1 x Facilities Team Dr Denise Clarke
  • 1 x AEU Rep Amelia Frantz
  • HSR - Frances Hansen      
  • Deputy HSR- Amanda Hollway
  • Principal and /or management OHS- Corinne Pupillo
  • OHS Manager Nominee- Mary Boutros
  • PCT- Daniel Moloney



At the beginning of this year, all JSA staff underwent Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training. If you haven't taken part in any OHS training this year or during your time at JSA, please get in touch with me. Additionally, if you'd like a refresher, feel free to reach out.


Some of the reasons why we conduct an OHS induction:

•    Safety Awareness

•    Legal Compliance

•    Risk Reduction

•    Emergency Preparedness

OHS Survey 

OH&S Survey 2 2024 – Reducing Psychosocial Hazards

WELL DONE JSA! WOOHOO! We've received 62 responses for our OHS survey. That is almost half the staff. Thank you for sharing your views with us. The survey is now closed.


Victoria is currently experiencing increased COVID-19 activity in the community, resulting in an increase in people being hospitalized with COVID-19.

At the same time, we are seeing increasing cases of influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) as we head into winter.

You can protect yourself & your loved ones from COVID with these 6 steps:

😷 Wear a mask

🏠 Stay home if sick

⏰ Test if you have symptoms

🌳 Let fresh air in or meet outdoors

💉 Stay up to date with your vaccinations

💡 Talk to your GP about COVID medicines


Read more at: https://www.health.vic.gov.au/health-alerts/increase-in-covid-19-activity

The 3 Cs

Recently, an email was sent out by Corinne on Friday 17th May regarding the revision of our practices and processes including our 3Cs.


The 3 C’s

  • Create Space
  • Clear the area – evacuate the classroom / space.
  • Call the emergency line – 0428 968 618

Creating space and evacuating a classroom or area is a crucial process in our school. It ensures the safety and well-being of students and staff, minimizes sensory overload and behavioral incidents, and provides access to specialized support in emergencies.


Clear signage in classrooms is crucial for several reasons:

Safety: Signs help ensure that everyone can quickly locate essential safety equipment, such as fire blankets and first aid kits, which is vital during emergencies.

Efficiency: By clearly marking the locations of key items and areas, we save time for everyone working in the classroom, enabling them to focus more on their tasks.

Support for New and Casual Staff: New and unfamiliar staff can quickly familiarize themselves with the environment, reducing confusion and increasing their confidence and effectiveness.

Organization: Well-marked classrooms contribute to an organized and professional atmosphere, which benefits both staff and students.


Please check my email again sent on Thursday 23rd May for the pdf attachment. 


Prayer room

JSA has a dedicated prayer room available for personal prayer and reflection. This room is located next to storage room 1, with a kitchenette nearby. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment:

-maintain a quiet and respectful atmosphere at all times.

-keep the prayer room clean and tidy, and do not leave any rubbish behind.

-use the kitchen basin for handwashing and ensure it is clean afterward, as our cleaners do not maintain this area.-the prayer room is available only during school hours.

-use the "Occupied" and "Vacant" signs on the door for privacy.

-be considerate of others who may also wish to use the space. Wait until the person before you has finished.-do not leave any personal belongings in the prayer room.

-respect the diverse practices and beliefs of others, as this space is shared by individuals of all faiths.

-the remaining space is designated for storage and should not be used for other activities.


Meaningful May

Let's find ways to be part of something bigger.

We encourage all staff members to actively participate in reporting any safety concerns they may come across. Your vigilance and proactive approach play a crucial role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for us all.

Remember, safety is a team effort, and together, we can create an environment where everyone feels secure and protected. 

Be Safety Champions to make safety a priority every day.