Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards will be presented at our School Assembly held every second Friday @ 2.45pm in the Hall (even weeks). The next Assembly is Week 2 - Friday July 26. Everyone is welcome to attend.
We wish many happy returns to all July birthdays - Cassidy Tully (56TD), Ben Carter (56EN), Ari Carmichael (34LD), Phillip Antoniadis (56TD), Logan Booth (34LD), Finn Dart (56TD), Amber Dreis (56TD), Miles Ellis (12NW), Ezra Andre (34RP), Sienna Richardson (34RP), Lachlan Cornish (12NW), Indigo Peters (56TD), Raph Singe (56EN) and Sebastian Carmichael (56TD).
We also wish Mrs Carter and Mrs Watson a happy birthday - hip! hip! hooray!