KLA Feature - Science

There is always something happening in Science at Caroline Chisholm. Year 7 have been looking at different types of chocolate and assessing their properties as they investigate different types of matter and how they change states. Year 8 are learning about Australia’s unique fauna and classification as they prepare for their excursion to Sydney Zoo. Year 9 has been looking at the development of atomic theory and the structure of atoms leading into an exploration of the Periodic Table. Year 10 are preparing for their first large exam block and will be busily revising Chemistry as they start to learn about motion. Students in our new course, Earth and Environmental Science have been out on a field study to investigate soil in the local environment and have begun to study the evidence for Plate Tectonic Theory.
Year 12 classes are three quarters of the way through their course and are working steadily to complete their courses so as to allow time for quality exam preparation.
Mr Ian Fuller
Leader of Learning Science KLA