From the Leader of Curriculuum

Two important events are coming up for Year 10 students this term and we endeavour to support the students in the process of both of these.
Firstly, they have their exam block in Week 5 from Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May. Some key details include:
- All exams will be 50 mins.
- Study sessions are built into the schedule between exams.
- Students have been given the schedule and notifications from their teachers about the content and nature of each subject’s exam.
- Students are advised to follow all exam procedures carefully and submit an Illness/Misadventure form if they are unable to attend on one of these days.
- Students will be able to attend their regular sport on Thursday afternoon.
We wish the girls every success in this endeavour and encourage them to speak to their class teachers and KLA Leaders if they have any queries or need further support.
The first step of Subject Selection for Year 11 2025 has already started for Year 10 students, with a process to unfold over this term.
Please note these important dates for both students and parents/carers.
- Week 2 Subject Selection Workbook. Our Pathways Coach Adam MacNamara has provided students with a personal workbook to assist them in determining their interests, strengths, and motivations to guide them in selecting HSC subjects with their larger goals and individual strengths in mind. They can also access the UAC ‘Steps to Uni for Year 10 Students’ on the UAC website.
- Tuesday 4 June 5.00pm - 6.15pm Subject Information Session for Students and Parents of Year 11 2025. The attendance of all students and a parent/carer is anticipated at this session. This will be onsite at the College and is an essential opportunity for students and parents to become familiar with the HSC process and the variety of options available to students in their Stage 6 learning. KLA Leaders, including our VET Leader of Learning will be present to answer any questions.
- Week 6 Individual Recommendation Letter for Maths, English, Religion, and Science. Students will receive a personalised recommendation letter for these KLA areas to assist students in selecting the most appropriate courses in these subject areas. Teachers and KLA leaders will use each student’s demonstrated levels of achievement, and the class teacher’s knowledge of the student’s skills to indicate which subjects in these areas will provide the students with the greatest opportunity for success in their learning in Stage 6.
- Thursday 6 June p1-4 and Friday 7 June p1-2 Subject Q&A sessions. KLA Leaders will provide students with information about the content and requirements of HSC subjects so that students can gain a clear picture of the wide variety of subjects on offer and how their chosen program of study might work.
- Tuesday 18 June Parent+Student Subject Meetings with KLA leaders - specific times will be scheduled. The attendance of all students and a parent/carer is anticipated at this session.This will be in-person at the College and is a key component of this process. Students will be required to bring the information they have collected from each stage of this process to provide a full picture of their goals for an effective discussion on their chosen program of study. Our Pathways coaches and the VET Leader of Learning will be available for consultation. Further details about the scheduled times will be provided.
- Week 10 Friday 28 June Online Submission of Subject Choices - students will be provided with the details to submit their choices for their final program of study for Year 11 2025. Subject lines will be determined based on student preferences. Final confirmation of subjects will occur in Term 4.
We are excited to work with students and their parents/carers together to make the best decisions for their future, and we look forward to seeing parents and careers in person for the information session on 4 June and again at the individual meetings during the day on 18 June.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Curriculum and Leader of HSIE / Acting Assistant Principal