From the Senior Leadership

We greatly value feedback from our community to help us provide the best possible environment for our students to learn and grow. To help us do this, we will be participating in the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) online survey for students, parents and carers.
The survey will provide us with valuable insights into what our school community thinks about school life including how engaged students are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world use the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve.
On 24th May, our Years 7-12 students will be given the opportunity and time to participate in this survey during regular school hours. Students will be given a random username and password to access and complete the survey online. Students’ names cannot be linked to their responses which allows it to be completely anonymous. Results will show all student scores combined together – it is not possible to single out individual students in the results.
Parents and carers will be able to participate between the dates of 20 May and 7 June 2024 using a link we will send to you separately in coming weeks. It is entirely voluntary as to whether you participate in completing the survey.
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey measures include wellbeing, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. The survey also allows participants to give their thoughts and feedback in one open-ended question - please note that these responses are read by principals only. Any detailed information in the open text box could potentially identify the respondent so generic comments are recommended.
Tuesday 14th May saw us celebrate our wonderful support staff for World Support Staff Day. As a College we wanted to take a moment to extend our sincerest appreciation for the incredible work of our Support Staff. It was heartwarming to see our support staff highlighted and honoured with a morning tea last week, celebrating the invaluable contributions they make every day and why our support staff are so essential to our success. We thank them for the dedication and hard work that our support staff demonstrate consistently.
eSafety Information
In 2024 CSPD continues to partner with the eSafety Commissioner to offer new webinars for parents and carers of all our students. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
The following FREE webinars for Term 2 are now available for registrations on the eSafety Commissioner’s website:
eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you
This webinar provides an overview of the eSafety Commissioner, and supporting programs and resources for parents and carers, children and young people.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and secondary school.
Term 2 dates:
14 May 12:30pm
6 June 12.30pm
Wellbeing and digital technologies
This webinar provides an overview of strategies to protect, respond to and support your child online. This webinar will focus on the digital skills to protect and support young people’s mental health and wellbeing online.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in secondary school.
Term 2 dates:
16 May 12:30pm
4 June 2:00pm
Consent and online boundaries: How to support your primary-aged child
As children begin to navigate the online world, they need to know how to make decisions around consent and boundaries. This webinar will outline strategies for parents and carers, as well as support those hard-to-have conversations.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children in primary school.
Term 2 dates:
28 May 12:30pm
18 June 12:30pm
Setting your child up for success online
An overview of having conversations about tech and online interaction, putting boundaries and rules in place, using parental controls, and monitoring your child online.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children in primary school.
Term 2 dates:
30 May 12:30pm
20 June 12:30pm
Mrs Julie Petrovski
Assistant Principals