From the Acting Principal Leader

Dear Students, Staff, Parents, Carers and friends of the College community,
The first three weeks of term have been very busy here at Caroline Chisholm College. We have had school photos, a lockdown practice, Year 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Meetings and incursions for students in Year 7 and Year 10. You will be pleased and proud to know that the girls have settled back into their learning extremely well, and they are focused on working with their teachers to achieve their personal learning goals.
On Tuesday 7 May we joined together for our Mother’s Day Liturgy at the College, to celebrate the unique, special and cherished relationship between mothers and their daughters, and other significant women in their lives. The liturgy provided a spiritual experience for all members of our community to come together and recognise the outstanding gifts of our mums, grandmothers, aunties and all those who care for us. Mrs Glenda Wilson shared her experiences of motherhood followed by student reflections on what makes their mum special and why they should be celebrated.
A special thank you to the Year 11 and 12 music students for performing the hymn, Hail Mary, Gentle Woman, and Grace Rowan for performing, Lord I Need You, accompanied by Mr Richard Caws. They contributed greatly to the richness of the liturgy with their moving performances.
The morning tea following our liturgy, along with the flowers and photo opportunities, was certainly a very special time for all students and their family members who were able to be with us on this very special occasion.
On behalf of Mrs Tania Cairns, I would like to thank Mrs Jeanette Cocks, Leader of Faith and Mission for organising the Liturgy, Mr Richard Caws and Mrs Madeline Riger for preparing the musicians and choir, Mrs Glenda Wilson for her reflection on motherhood, Ms Sarah Eyles and Mrs Belinda Pranjic for their exceptional photography, Mr Mathew Beatty, IT Manager and the Tech Team for the professional sound and lighting. Thanks also to Mrs Julie Wiffen and Mr John Pascacio for their work on the reflection video, Mrs Sandra Dawson, Business Manager and the maintenance team for setting up the sacred space, Mrs Karen Chester, Principal’s Personal Assistant for her outstanding event organisation and Mrs Di Larsen and the support staff who prepared and served our morning tea. It takes a large team to design and create an event such as this that will be memorable for all those who participated.
Thank you to all of the amazing mothers and families who were able to join us for this special celebration, your presence made the day truly special. It was wonderful to see our Performance space filled with students and their families. We look forward to continuing the tradition of celebrating Mother’s Day as a college community in the years to come.
50th Anniversary Celebration Day
We are excited about our 50th Anniversary event at the College tomorrow, Saturday 18 May from 10am-2pm. All current and past students, staff and families have been invited to attend and engage in a celebration of our achievements during the last 50 years. There will be memorabilia, tours, performances, displays, an official cake cutting, and much more!
We look forward to celebrating this momentous occasion with our current students, college alumni and their families.
Ms Debbie White
Acting Principal Leader