Other College News

HSC Economics Lecture


Year 12 student Josie is currently undertaking an eVet course in Economics and has recently returned from Sydney after attending HSC Economics lectures. Her online teacher shared some of Josie's experience below.


Recently Josephine Ryan attended The UBS HSC Economics lectures held at the Wesley Centre, Pitt St, Sydney. These annual lectures are delivered by experts in the field of Fiscal and Monetary Policy,and they give the students valuable insights into how economic policy is influenced by current events. There was also a very useful workshop on HSC preparation. Josephine and her mum Tina were also able to take in the sights of Sydney during the colourful “Vivid” festival of light.

Chris Core, Online Economics Teacher



Year 11 PDHPE 

Last week, the Year 11 PDHPE class had the opportunity to participate in a Seminar facilitated by Hamish Creighton from Creighton Personal Training. Students have been studying a unit of work called "Core 2: The Body in Motion" and a part of that unit poses the critical question of "How do biomechanical principles influence movement?". 


The Seminar focused on defining the principles of Biomechanics, as well as identifying examples. Students were able to participate in some Resistance Training exercises to put theory into practice, helping them understand the concept that Biomechanics helps a person to move better, perform better in sports, and stay safe. It teaches them about force, balance, and how the body works, making activities more fun and effective. 


Thanks for Sharing Ms Mellowship!



Child Studies

Year 9 Child Studies


During this term, the Year 9 Child Studies class has been studying a unit called "Caring for a Newborn". The class had the opportunity to see how child care centres care for babies and infants this week with a visit to TGs Armidale.


 Students focused on the question "If you were a parent and sending your baby/child to child care, what services and facilities would you expect?". Within this, students were able to focus on describing the different care requirements of a newborn/infant, for example bathing, sleeping, settling, feeding, hygiene and the range of equipment and resources available to assist in this care and were able to record any observations they could make.


Ms Natalie Mellowship



Ethics Olympiad


Year 10 Retreat