Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 







Character Strength:  Teamwork


Parent Wellbeing: the best way to build your wellbeing and personal growth is through giving of yourself to make a positive difference to others’ lives; doing good to feel good and feeling good to do good. Giving adds meaning to your life. Do little kind things for others often to send out ripples of wellbeing feelings, which will eventually find themselves back to you. How often do you smile and say hello to other people?


Year 8

Well we are officially over the halfway mark and are focused on getting to the end of term two in one piece. The students are working well and many are now extremely focused in their new classes allowing them to focus on learning and their education while getting to be with their friends during recess and lunch. We understand that for many students that change can be hard but this was for the best wellbeing for all students not just students/classes that had to be disbanded due to O’Connor’s continued staffing shortages. Mr Gibney and myself encourage students to give these classes a go and see how their learning can improve in a new environment that includes a fresh start and a new opportunity to succeed in those classes they may have been struggling with and/or disliking. 


In week 5 we had a year meeting where it was an opportunity to celebrate students commitment to learning and extracurricular activities. 14 students have reached 10 or more commendations and qualified for a Year Leaders Award for their efforts. We also had the chance to congratulate Hunter McDonald who participated in The Da Vinci Decathlon earlier in the year. Congratulations to the 20 year 8 students who have qualified for the Diocesan Athletics Carnival in Tamworth next term. While not all will attend it’s still a great achievement to do well in sports/activities you enjoy. Congratulations to all students who have been involved in the Armidale Eisteddfod over the past 4 weeks in dance, speech, drama and music. Many of the year 8 students have been involved including: Tahlia Burney (Piano), Cooper Keene, Siara Morris, Bella Brodbeck (Drama), Christian Soyer (Strings), Kevin Tighe (Woodwind and Brass). Good luck to the following students performing in the band section this week: Payton Stewart, Martina Goidanich De Castro Michaelsen, Jandre Ferreira and Kevin Tighe. 



Reminder that sports uniform is to only be worn on days where your student has OVAL clearly marked on their timetable. All other days the formal winter uniform is to be worn, if there are any issues or concerns with acquiring the formal uniform or student refusal to wear it please contact me so we can work together on the issue. 


Please see the new timetable below for each class. 



Week A: Tuesday and Wednesday
Week B: Thursday



Week A: Tuesday and Wednesday
Week B: Thursday 



Week A: Monday and Wednesday
Week B: Monday



Week A: Wednesday and Thursday
Week B: Wednesday



As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 


Miss Elizabeth Plane

Leader of Learning, Year 8


Year 9

As we stride into the heart of the academic year, it's time to reflect on the remarkable achievements and exciting events that have defined our journey so far. From thrilling sports victories to academic accomplishments, the Year 9 cohort has demonstrated talent and dedication across various domains students showcased their prowess and sportsmanship in exhilarating soccer matches and exhausting Cross-country runs. From nail-biting finishes to stunning displays of teamwork, our soccer teams and runners have left a mark on the field. A few life lessons are given in tough matches and grueling events.

Beyond the sports field, our Year 9 students have been diligently navigating the academic landscape, striving for excellence and personal growth. Self-appraisal plays a crucial role in this journey, empowering students to reflect on their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and set meaningful goals for their academic endeavors. Students were asked to reflect on the following areas that align with our semester reports.


Engagement in learning in class: Student engagement is key to effective learning. When students are actively engaged, they are more likely to retain information, participate in discussions, and apply what they've learned. These elements collectively contribute to a positive and productive classroom environment, where students feel supported, respected, and empowered to learn.


Working collaboratively with others: Collaborative learning promotes teamwork, communication skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Encouraging students to work together on projects, problem-solving tasks, or group discussions fosters a sense of community and helps students learn from each other's perspectives.


Showing respect in class: Respect is fundamental to maintaining a positive classroom environment. This includes respecting classmates, teachers, and the learning process itself. Students should listen attentively when others are speaking, follow classroom rules, and treat each other with kindness and empathy.


Learning independence: While collaboration is important, it's also essential for students to develop independence in their learning. Teachers can encourage independence by providing opportunities for students to explore topics on their own, take ownership of their learning process, and develop critical thinking skills.


This week completes a busy schedule for the Armidale Eisteddfod, where our talented students showcase their skills in music, dance and drama. Our students' performances were exceptional, reflecting their passion, creativity, and commitment to the arts. 

We would like to extend our gratitude to our wonderful teachers for providing our students with these opportunities to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on our school community.


Mrs Kathryn Czinner

Leader of Learning, Year 9

Year 10


Year 10 has been very busy this term, with many successful learning opportunities that should be celebrated! We had students participate in sporting events such as the school athletics carnival, the Dio cross country, the Da Vinci Decathlon, Work Experience, Representative Soccer, Catechisms, and an array of Eisteddfod items, just to name a few! All of the year 10 students who participated in these extra-curricular activities should be extremely proud of themselves and how they have represented O’Connor.


We have officially made it to half way through Term 2 and the learning in all our classrooms continues to thrive. Students have been engaging in a variety of educational activities that all aim to enhance students knowledge and understanding of key concepts in all subject areas, but also enhance skills such as collaboration, communication, higher order thinking and problem solving skills. 


Year 10 Goals and Future Plans

Year 10 students continue on their journey to discover what they are wanting their future pathways to look like; with many engaging in Work Experience, exploring Tafe/SBATS and focusing on their Year 10 learning to better prepare them for Stage 6 HSC learning. 


Goal setting continues to be very important for our Year 10 students particularly post our Elevate Learning session late last term. Focusing on what their short term and long term goals are will assist with the trepidation of the future and assist in giving them a greater sense of direction and purpose. Remember, visible goals keep us accountable and can assist us to achieve them. 



 As we move into the second half of Term 2, I encourage our students to continue to embrace opportunities, seek out feedback and implement it into their learning and be open to new experiences (maybe join the D&D group, try out for a sporting team or make friends with someone you don’t ordinarily talk to). 


Any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. 


Miss Jessica Armfield,

Leader of Learning, Year 10.



Year 11

As we approach the end of term 2, year 11 students have started the process of organising their year 12 jerseys. Students who haven't yet provided their jersey size to Mr Myers will need to do so by the end of the term. Students will also need to start thinking about what writing they would like on the back of their jersey.


Mr Bruce Myers

Leader of Learning, Year 11



Year 12


As Term 2 progresses, students continue to progress through assessment tasks, excel in CAPA and sporting activities and make great progress on their major projects.


It has been great to speak to students who have received results and feedback from teachers that have given them a real boost to their motivation. 

It is true that Year 12 is generally a stressful time for students and it is important that they realise that this stress is normal and by keeping a sound balance of study, work, sports and social life, they can succeed. Another vital part of this is setting achievable goals that allow students to feel success and taking time to seek support in times of need.


On Wednesday 29 May, Year 12 attended an Elevate session where they learnt how to maximise their study time, including working effectively in study groups. I encourage students to grasp all opportunities on offer regarding study, such as Study periods during school time, after school study sessions on offer from teachers (such as Maths in UG2 on Thursdays) and special offers such as Young Life’s study camp (29 Sept - 4 Oct, link) and Armidale Town Library’s Study room during the build up to HSC exams (more will be published regarding this later in the term).   


Looking ahead, Year 12 students have a number of events they may be involved in including the Student Leaders’ Evening at OCC on Tuesday 11 June, Year 12 Gala Sports Day (21 June), Founder’s Day activities (5 July) and the Pie Drive Fundraiser (raising funds for the Year 12 formal - more details soon); not to mention all the other academic, cultural and sporting opportunities.


As always, keep Believing, Achieving, Nurturing and Growing!


Mr Luke Andrews

Leader of Learning, Year 12