Leader of Pedagogy

Ms Natalie Mellowship (Years 7-9) & Mrs Jenny Roff ( Years 10-12)

Following on from the Clarity training with Lyn Sharratt, staff have focused on how to make learning more meaningful. Learning Intentions developed by teachers inform students what they are learning each lesson and, most significantly, why. If students find learning purposeful then they are more likely to be  engaged. Co-construction of Success Criteria in the classroom provides a guide that enables students to recognise how they can be successful in their learning.


Regular Learning Walks and Talks are occurring between Leaders of Learning and staff across the College to gather evidence of teachers’ intentional teaching and of students’ improvement. We individually ask students 5 questions as we move around classrooms:


What are you learning? Why?

How are you doing?

How do you know?

How can you improve?

Where do you go for help? 


Students who can accurately describe their learning, and how to improve, close the achievement gap. After many walks, conversations between staff ensue, and leaders ask authentic questions about why teachers make the decisions they make. System and school leaders at every level who ask students the five questions get feedback on how explicit the instruction is and if students are progressing. They use that feedback to become a large and focused part of every Professional Learning session, which is critical for all teachers and leaders to craft collaboratively.







Ms Natalie Mellowship

Leader of Pedagogy, (7-9).     





Mrs Jennifer Roff

Leader of Pedagogy, (10-12)