Assistant Principal -


Mrs Mellissa Bell

Dear Families and Carers,


Learning is a lifelong skill. Being connected to a community is important to a person's wellbeing. There is an abundant volume of research that links attendance to life outcomes and that feeling a sense of belonging to school improves academic engagement, and hence this too increases life outcomes in terms of happiness and wellness, financial stability and community engagement. Attendance is one of the College’s goals, to improve and monitor student attendance (particularly in year 12) and to support the learning and wellbeing of all members of our community. Leaders of Wellbeing have been working with students and their families to understand the importance of coming to school each and every day. Attendance plans have been created with goals set and are being achieved for many. 


Given the shift of focus both at the school level and within the Diocese, it is important to understand that our school day begins at 8:50am with PAC. We have a significant number of students who are not arriving at school until after 9 am. This is then considered a partial absence. I would encourage everyone to understand that PAC is a key part of what makes our college unique and it is a crucial part of building connection and culture. It is when information is shared about upcoming events, daily changes to organisation, but also PAC teachers and Leaders of Learning are able to engage in meaningful learning conversations with students. I am very fortunate to meet with many prospective families during the enrollment process, and when asked “Why O’Connor?”, The answer is always centred on the high  level of care and commitment staff have to supporting student wellbeing (pastoral care). I would like to set all our students and families the challenge to make attending school a real goal. And getting here before 8:50 am a priority.

Many of our students have had success over the past coming weeks, from the sporting field to the debating. Ursula was victorious at the Athletics carnival. Our Student Leadership team is hosting all our local secondary school captains for a Leadership Evening next week and our CAPA department have been performing at the Eisteddfods and are now preparing for the Showcase Evening coming up on June 20. Celebrating all types of success and achievements for our students is a large part of our school culture. It is a real joy watching the smiles on their faces, seeing the hard work pay off and seeing our students represent our College with pride.



Upcoming key events to be mindful of:

June 13 - Cochrane Cup (Inverell)

June 18 - VA trip to Tamworth

June 19 – HSC Bootcamp (Music)

June 20 - Yr 7 Vaccinations and CAPA ShowCase Evening (5:30pm) 

July 5 - Founders Day 






Warm Regards,


Mrs Mellissa Bell

Assistant Principal Wellbeing