Assistant Principal  -Curriculum

Mr Stephen Chapman 

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Friends,


Six weeks are down with four to go for Term 2.  The focus of this newsletter article is forward planning in the curriculum area.  


At the KLA Leaders of Learning (LOLs) meeting this week, we asked each person to impersonate a parent on Compass and look through the Learning Tasks for their child.  The result for LOL’s was eye-opening, regarding some key inconsistencies around the presentation of learning tasks.


On a positive note, it was clear as a parent that there is loads of information on what each child has been working on in their classes with a wide variety of feedback provided.  I’d like to thank all our teachers for working so hard to provide these learning experiences and providing feedback.


Another question we had is do we know how many parents are looking through these learning tasks on Compass?  You can help us with that question by filling in this survey.


O'Connor Learning Tasks and Reports - Week 6 Term 2 2024 - Feedback from Parents/Guardians 


It’s the same survey I sent to all parents and guardians yesterday.  Thanks to those of you who have already completed it.


The survey asks about two things:  Learning Tasks on Compass and Semester Reports.  


In other curriculum news, I attended the School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting this week to present a summary of the Curriculum at O’Connor Catholic College.  Here is a copy of the presentation I went through, complete with photos of students in classes this week.


The Curriculum at O'Connor 2024


Thanks for your ongoing support of our amazing school.






Warm Regards,


Mr. Stephen Chapman

Assistant Principal - Curriculum




"Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing." - Jack Lewman