Wellbeing News

Dear Families,


We recently received a generous donation for our school from Justine Brogna, the director of TreeHaus


At times, we can all experience forms of struggle. TreeHaus is an organisation which can provide help and support for mind, body and movement. They provide many different services - please see the flyer below for more details.


Justine’s donation will be going towards a “buddy bench” for our school. The goal of a buddy bench is to provide a safe, secure place for children to sit if they are feeling a little lost or unsure in the playground. Other children can then approach them and invite them to join in their games or activities. We really appreciate Justine’s help in creating this space!

Grandparents/Grandfriends Day - Save the Date

Wellbeing Team 


Kathy Blythe

Wellbeing Leader


Chiara Genovese

Learning Diversity Leader



Simone Whitehead

Family Engagement Leader.