Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 7 | ||
PA | Finn | Well done Finn for being a motivated writer during our narrative writing sessions last week. You were able to come up with a great idea for your story and showed that you were driving by working on your learning goal of sounding out words to find the correct letter to write. I'm so proud of you! |
PN | Amanuel | For being a resilient learner who takes on feedback to make his learning better and build better friendships. Amanuel’s effort and engagement reflect his growing listening skills as he quickly initiates learning tasks and does his best work. Well done Amanuel. |
1/2C | Celine | For being a collaborative learner during our practises for the Parish Mass. Not only did you remember what to do for your part in the Mass, but you also paid attention to where others needed to be and when, helping the Mass run smoothly. You were enthusiastic during all of our practises and always acted like a true team player, setting a fabulous example for the rest of the class. We are so proud to have you in our class Celine, keep up the amazing collaboration! |
1/2S | Elyana | For being a motivated learner. You approach your work with a positive attitude and always try to do your best and a little bit more. You are a responsible class member and a role model for the expected ways of working. You are prepared for learning and ask for help when you need it. Congratulations, Elyana. We are lucky to have you in 1/2S. |
1/2A | Sam | The last few weeks you have really stepped it up and shown that you are a motivated learner, you have made choices that will benefit your learning and help keep you focussed during learning time. We also really enjoy your sense of humour, fun and engagement particularly during our Inquiry unit on light. Well done Sam. |
3/4L | Evelyn | For being a motivated and engaged learner during reading! Evelyn has been driving her learning during reading groups and workshop groups to take her knowledge to the next level. Well done superstar, keep up the fantastic work! |
3/4S | Bless | For being a creative learner who finds different ways to express herself. Bless uses her imagination to think outside the box and is not afraid to explore the unknown. Well Done Bless. |
5/6N | Heidi | For being a motivated learner who always strives to do her best and challenge herself during our maths talks and independent tasks. You are always ready to act on feedback to further your learning. Keep up the positive efforts and dedication to your maths, Heidi. |
5/6K | Sophie | For being a reflective learner during reading groups this week. You applied feedback, using evidence from the text, inferences and your own experiences to provide a detailed and convincing response about how the author wanted us to feel about a character. Keep up this motivated attitude to learning Sophie! It has been wonderful watching you grow as a learner and becoming a role model for your peers! |
5/6S | Hayden | For being a resilient learner. You had a challenging Maths task to do and you didn’t give up, even though it wasn’t easy and took a long time. You were determined to finish, even when told you could come back to it another time. Well done Hayden - you should feel proud of your efforts! |
Nick (PE) | Aarav (5/6S) | For being a motivated learner. You have been playing in our mixed netball team with great enthusiasm and effort. It was a great achievement scoring those goals to get our team back in the game. Well done on striving for your best on the netball court. Keep up the fantastic work Aarav! |