Student Achievement Awards - 3rd June

Class | Student | Description |
FA | Keisha | For your dedication in phonics, well done on learning all your sounds correctly! You carefully sound out words and try your best to read unknown words. Keep up the excellent work! |
FH | Rachel | Congratulations, Rachel, on a fantastic week at school! Your dedication in maths lessons has been outstanding. You used tens frames, number bonds and unifix to represent teen numbers, and you could then share that 10 and 4 make 14. Well done! |
1G | Emily | Congratulations, Emily, on your work ethic in the classroom this week! The way you asked for help, gave 100% to learning tasks, and participated in classroom discussions was great to see! Keep up the amazing work! |
1S | Sarah | Sarah, well done on the great sharing of your published writing. You read it clearly, with expression and answered questions about it. You also gave some great feedback about the writing you listened to as well. Keep up the great work. |
2F | Gemma | Gemma, well done on your excellent work in Writing last week! You used your time effectively to brainstorm a variety of reasons for why 'Our School is the Best'. You then used persuasive openers and persuasive language to write your reasons in convincing sentences. Congratulations, Gemma! |
2J | Mai | Fantastic work in Writing last week Mai! When considering why "Our School is the Best", you filled two pages of your Writer's Notebook with reasons to support this opinion. You were then able to organise your ideas into categories. Well done! |
2T | Kevin | Congratulations on your growth in our subtraction unit Kevin. You are always focused during instruction time and use your class time effectively to practise your skills. Well done! |
3B | Rihaan | Congratulations, Rihaan! Your kindness and empathy towards your classmates and friends have truly stood out this Semester. Last week, you generated many great ideas for procedure texts, with 'how to look after a dog' and 'how to make a friend' being particularly impressive. Well done, Rihaan. |
3W | Kaelynn | Congratulations Kaelynn on a fantastic week. You have demonstrated initiative by asking if you may have extra copies of the work we do in class to take home for additional practise. Your knowledge of equal and unequal fractions is definitely evident after all that practise! Amazing work Kaelynn! |
4P | Pearl | Congratulations Pearl on always entering the classroom with a beaming smile and enthusiastic attitude ready for a day of learning! The quantity and quality of your work frequently demonstrates pride, creativity and individuality. Thankyou for being a great life long learner! Brilliant Effort! |
4S | Alysha | Congratulations Alysha on your fantastic persuasive writing. You crafted an excellent piece trying to convince your reader to buy a Seadog. Your use of similes and high modality words was well done. Keep up the super writing. |
5GP | Kathryn & Ashton | Congratulations to you both for working so well together on your Education Week STEM activity. You were able to include all the design brief requirements in your creative Echidna Shelter. You also demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills during both the planning and construction stages of the technology process. Awesome work! |
5H | Benjamin | Congratulations Benjamin on a terrific week! You were so engaged in our Skeleton Island game for our Economics unit. You made sure you had enough resources to win the game and I was so impressed by your answers in the discussion related to what resources were 'scarce', and how that contributed to the sellers inflating their prices. You showed a clear understanding of supply and demand. Well done! |
6D | Alana | Congratulations Alana on your amazing creativity with your Toxic Run task. You discussed and built an animal run with your partner that demonstrated that you understood all the criteria. You are a Super Star! |
6D | Eva | Congratulations Eva on your amazing creativity with your Toxic Run task. You discussed and built an animal run with your partner that demonstrated that you understood all the criteria. You are a Super Star! |
6P | Nayanka | Congratulations Nayanka on the kindness and inclusivity you showed towards others during the STEM afternoon. You made sure that all members of your group contributed and demonstrated leadership skills to work towards the plan. Well done! |