Principal Message

Term 2          

Friday 31st May

From the Principal’s Desk

As we end another exciting fortnight at Mitcham Primary School, we are thrilled to share the highlights of our recent activities and events.


A Heartfelt Celebration: National Sorry Day


We are proud to share the success of our wonderful Sorry Day celebration held on 26 May. National Sorry Day is a significant event that acknowledges the impact of past policies, practices, and attitudes on First Nations people. This year, our students and staff came together to honour this important day with deep respect and empathy.


A special thank you goes to our Marrung Teacher Leader Judith Sivasubramaniam for her incredible support. Judith joined our school captains and the staff and students of Mullauna Secondary College in walking to the Whitehorse/Nunawading Civic Centre on Sunday morning. Their participation in the Council’s flag-raising ceremony was a poignant reminder of past injustices and a tribute to the enduring spirit of the world’s oldest known living culture.


Reconciliation Week: 'Now More than Ever’


National Sorry Day marks the beginning of Reconciliation Week, which runs from 27 May to 3 June. This year’s theme, ‘Now More than Ever,’ resonated strongly with our school community. Our students and staff embraced a variety of reconciliation activities, showcasing their commitment to understanding and unity.


Grade 1/2
Grade 1/2

Throughout the week, students engaged in diverse projects across various subjects:


- Art: Students created beautiful artworks inspired by First Nations cultures, expressing their respect and appreciation through visual storytelling.


- STEM: Innovative STEM activities allowed students to explore traditional knowledge and contemporary science, highlighting the contributions of First Nations peoples to our understanding of the world.


- Literacy: Our literacy sessions focused on stories and writings by Indigenous authors, fostering a deeper connection to their rich narratives and perspectives.


- Maths: Mathematical activities included exploring patterns and concepts rooted in Indigenous knowledge, demonstrating the universal language of mathematics.


These activities not only educated but also inspired our students, promoting a deeper understanding of reconciliation and the importance of embracing cultural diversity.


Parking Etiquette Reminder


We kindly remind all parents to practise proper etiquette when parking in the Halliday Park car park and in the streets surrounding the school. Please ensure that you park considerately, avoiding blocking driveways or parking in no-parking zones. Your cooperation helps to ensure the safety of all our students and the smooth flow of traffic during busy school drop-off and pick-up times.


Gratitude and Moving Forward


We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in these meaningful events. Your dedication and participation have made a significant impact on our community, fostering an environment of respect, understanding, and unity.


As we continue through this term, we look forward to more opportunities to learn, grow, and celebrate together; I am especially looking forward to joining our Grade 5/6 students on for their camp next week!


Thank you all for being a part of the Mitcham Primary School family.


