Mission & Religious Education News

FAQs! Why do we bless ourselves with Holy Water?

From the earliest days of Christianity (and even earlier, in Judaism and other ancient religions), water was used in baptismal rituals as a symbol of life and cleansing. Today, when Catholics sprinkle themselves from the little bowls of holy water at the church door, making the sign of the cross, they do so as a reminder of their baptism. The holy water itself is simply water that has been blessed by a priest.

CANCELLED - REC Cluster Meeting

The proposed zoom meetings scheduled for tomorrow are cancelled. Please feel free to call either Damian or Darryl with any questions or issues you need to discuss.

Upcoming Feast Days

Tue 21The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
Wed 22Saint Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr 
Thu 23

 Saint Clement I

Saint Columbanus

Fri 24Saints Andrew Dũng-Lạc  
Sat 25Saint Catherine of Alexandria  
Thu 30Saint Andrew
Mon 4Saint John Damascene